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Don Feder

Don Feder

Don Feder is a graduate of Boston University College of Liberal Arts and BU Law School. He’s admitted to the practice of law in New York and Massachusetts. For 19 years, he was an editorialist and staff columnist for the Boston Herald, New England’s second largest newspaper. During those years, the Herald published over 2,000 of his columns. Mr. Feder is currently a consultant and Coalitions Director of the Ruth Institute.

Columns by Don Feder

Israel's Christian allies illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

I’m grateful for Israel’s Christian allies

Given the outpouring of Christian support for what Muslim radicals call the Zionist entity, today, we could say, "You don't have to be Jewish to love Israel." Published November 25, 2023

Hatred of Conservatives and Republicans Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Are proponents of limited government fascists?

If you're a member of a lunatic fringe group, how do you get disproportionate publicity for your loathsome ideas? Do something that gives liberals a chance to smear conservatives as fascists. Published September 16, 2023

Americans' losing work ethic Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

America is losing its work ethic

In 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed legislation making Labor Day a federal holiday, in so doing, recognizing that hard work is an essential part of the American dream. Published August 26, 2023

Boss Joe Biden Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Biden exemplifies evils of big government

The current president of the United States represents everything that's wrong with big government, an understanding of which could be the most important legacy of the dismal Biden years. Published July 30, 2023

Illustration on Democrats' hatred for America by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

It’s obvious that Democrats hate America

What better occasion for the left to display its contempt for the United States than on Independence Day. This year, it staged the equivalent of a Nuremberg rally of anti-Americanism. Published July 15, 2023