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Don Feder

Don Feder

Don Feder is a graduate of Boston University College of Liberal Arts and BU Law School. He’s admitted to the practice of law in New York and Massachusetts. For 19 years, he was an editorialist and staff columnist for the Boston Herald, New England’s second largest newspaper. During those years, the Herald published over 2,000 of his columns. Mr. Feder is currently a consultant and Coalitions Director of the Ruth Institute.

Columns by Don Feder

Illustration on Democrat attacks on the middle class by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Democrats are out to destroy the middle class

Democrats are bending every effort to destroy the middle class. Without this vital center as a bulwark of democracy, America will fall into their hands. Published May 20, 2023

Illustration on mothers, the future and Mother's Day by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Mothers are the gateway to tomorrow

Mother's Day should be about more than cards and candy, flowers and fine sentiments. As we move into the desolate wasteland of demographic winter, mothers assume a role of paramount importance. Published May 14, 2023

Illustration on Democrats and mob rule by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Democrats are taking us to mob rule

"Mobocracy" is a word that should inspire fear. Increasingly, however, it's a reality of life in 21st-century America. Published April 16, 2023

Illustration on our choice of values and role of religion by Greg Groesch/ The Washington Times

Religion or moral anarchy?

Sunday was Easter. Passover ends on Thursday. What better time to consider the role of religion in American life and where its absence will inevitably lead us? Published April 8, 2023