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Everett Piper

Everett Piper

Everett Piper (, @dreverettpiper), a columnist for The Washington Times, is a former university president and radio host. He is the author of “Not a Daycare: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth” (Regnery). He can be reached at

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Columns by Everett Piper

Illustration on  Presbyterian minister Heath Rada preaching false doctrine by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Pastor Heath Rada fiddles while Rome burns

This week, as the headlines in the news were laden with more and more evidence of a world gone mad, the grand prize for the "Best Fiddler While Rome Burns" award goes to Presbyterian minister Heath Rada. Published July 17, 2022

Illustration on the cultural attacks on womanhood by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

The canine behavior of the LGBTQ cabal

This past week, The New York Times published an opinion piece finally admitting that today's LGBTQ cabal of rainbow activists is little more than a misogynistic cult. Published July 10, 2022

Sin vs Mistake Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Mistakes or sin? There’s a big difference

In the 1700s, Isaac Watts penned the lyrics to a hymn that has stood the test of time - a song sung throughout the ages and embraced by Anabaptists and Anglicans alike. Published June 19, 2022

Illustration on the negative side of "Pride Month" by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

‘Pride Month’: When is enough enough?

As we enter the last couple weeks of June, officially designated as "Pride Month" on our national calendar, I have a couple of questions. Published June 12, 2022

Illustration on the benefits of staying within godly precepts by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Staying inside the laws of God

One thing I've learned by living in the reality of rural America as opposed to the concrete and neon of Washington or New York City is that freedom can be deceiving. Published June 5, 2022

Illustration on American Christianity's increasing disregard for the doctrine of original sin by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Preaching about sin now viewed as outdated

Last week, in this column, I wrote of George Barna's recent research that indicates just slightly more than a third of American pastors (and even fewer parishioners) have a biblical worldview. Published May 22, 2022

Illustration on defining "human" in abortion debate by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Is a baby human?

Do we believe in the objective reality of the human being, or do we believe that those in power have the right to subjectively impose their definition of human life on the powerless? Published May 8, 2022

Illustration on Arizona's proposed prohibition of all sexual content in school curriculae without parental notification by Alexander Hunter/ The Washington Times

Three cheers for Arizona state Rep. Jake Hoffman

Last week, in this column, I wrote that it is an irrefutable fact that our nation's educational establishment is aggressively and intentionally working to groom your children. Published May 1, 2022

Illustration on Easter by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Happy Easter! Long live the true king

In a recent survey conducted by George Barna, more than two-thirds of American adults presently define themselves as "Christians." Published April 17, 2022

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is shown in this undated file photo. (Associated Press) ** FILE **

The ruling class censors Tulsi Gabbard

This week our country's ruling class doubled down in its efforts to silence anyone who dares dissent from their approved narrative. Published March 20, 2022

School Curriculum and Parental Rights Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Objecting to the Florida Parental Rights in Education Bill is insane

While the world literally burns, and while millions of us are fearful of not being able to afford to drive our 10-year-old Honda Civics, our president and his party consider proponents of parental rights to be the primary enemies of the state. Published March 12, 2022

Illustration on Biden's 1984 mindset by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Biden thinks he’s Winston Smith

In this past Tuesday's State of the Union Address, President Biden did his best to impersonate a leader. Published March 6, 2022