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Everett Piper

Everett Piper

Everett Piper (, @dreverettpiper), a columnist for The Washington Times, is a former university president and radio host. He is the author of “Not a Daycare: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth” (Regnery). He can be reached at

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Columns by Everett Piper

This July, 2017 photo provided by the ACLU of Oregon shows transgender inmate Michalle Wright at the Oregon State Correctional Institution in Salem, Ore. The Oregon Department of Corrections has settled a lawsuit filed on behalf of Wright, who says she was denied medical care. (Mat Dos Santos/ACLU of Oregon via AP)

Gender-neutral society isn’t real

I was recently criticized by Right Wing Watch (an organization that defines itself as a "project of People for the American Way") for supporting Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council's "record on issues including gender identity." Published October 24, 2017

POWER OF PRAYER: A prayer for the forgiveness of our nation

Forgive us for what we have taught our children: that evil is good and good is evil; that darkness is light and light is darkness; that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. Forgive us for teaching them that left is right and right is wrong, that true is false and falsehood is true. Published December 30, 2015