Everett Piper
Columns by Everett Piper
After Biden’s State of the Union, little left but prayer
President Joe Biden's 2024 State of the Union address celebrated the death of our babies, the debauchery of our children, and the destruction of our culture. Published March 9, 2024
Ask Dr. E: How do parents teach their children to be optimists and confident leaders?
Do you have any advice for parents trying to raise their children to be confident leaders rather than following the crowd of their doomsday generation? Published March 6, 2024
‘We need Jesus,’ podcaster Rogan says
The Jesus we all need is neither a liar nor a lunatic, but precisely who he said he was and proved by his resurrection: He is our Lord, our savior and our king. Published March 3, 2024
Ask Dr. E: Where are tomorrow’s adults? Where are our leaders?
When I watch the nightly news, I sometimes feel like I'm watching a nation of perpetual adolescent children. It's as if we live in a nation of teenagers whose only goal is to be popular. Where are tomorrow's adults? Where are our leaders? Published February 28, 2024
Why would young Americans defend a nation that needs to be ‘dismantled’?
Recently, Ashish Vazirani, the Pentagon's acting undersecretary for personnel and readiness, testified to the House Armed Services Committee that the U.S. military missed its recruiting goals in 2023 by 41,000. Published February 25, 2024
Ask Dr. E: Why is our nation so hopelessly divided?
Our nation seems to be hopelessly divided right now. It wasn't that long ago that leaders such as Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill could find common ground, but today's Democrats and Republicans can't even agree on what time it is. What went wrong? Published February 21, 2024
Christians need to stop playing defense and go on offense
In 2013, author John S. Dickerson wrote about the troubling condition of the American church in his book "The Great Evangelical Recession: 6 Factors That Will Crash the American Church and How to Prepare." Published February 18, 2024
Ask Dr. E: Why are modern Christians asked to apologize for misdeeds over the centuries?
I attend an evangelical church, and I have noticed a lot of messaging lately calling for Christians to apologize for all the misdeeds of Christianity over the centuries. Something doesn't seem right about this to me, but I am having difficulty putting my finger on it. Published February 14, 2024
Democrats fund crusade targeting churches
If you don't know what the after party is, you should, because it could determine who wins the House of Representatives, the Senate and the presidency this year. Published February 9, 2024
Ask Dr. E: Which writer influenced our Founding Fathers more than any other?
If you were asked what one person most single-handedly influenced the founding of the United States, what would you say? Published February 7, 2024
Are conservative Christians too political?
This past week, as we watched the unfolding stories of illegal immigrants beating police in New York, chaos on our southern border, and the Middle East teetering on the edge of World War III, one of the most insidious bits of news that might have escaped your attention is called "The After Party." Published February 4, 2024
Ask Dr. E: Does the Bible obligate us to love everyone despite who or what they are?
I've been reading the Bible a bit lately, and I can't help but notice its repeated mandate to love everyone. How do conservatives reconcile this with their judgmental attitude toward LGBTQ people, social liberals, and others they disagree with? Aren't we obligated to love everyone despite who or what they are? Published January 31, 2024
Antisemitism and anti-Westernism: It’s all the same thing
A story that should scare the tar out of every sane American comes from a recent Free Press article about antisemitism and its corollary anti-Westernism, both being on the rise in Europe, Canada, and the United States. Published January 28, 2024
Ask Dr. E: Surely, you’re not opposed to young people pursuing higher education, are you?
You apparently spent your entire career in higher education, yet you seem very critical of today's universities. Can you explain why? Published January 24, 2024
Creation or chaos? It’s up to you to decide come November
Creatio ex nihilo is a Latin phrase used to describe a central theological point of Christianity. It's an axiom that captures the first event of Genesis: "In the beginning God created." Published January 21, 2024
Ask Dr. E: What was the most important thing that Martin Luther King, Jr. ever said?
As we take time this week to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s influence on our country, I'm curious: What do you believe Reverend King's most important contribution was to America's understanding of justice and human rights? Published January 17, 2024
These vacuous words can mean anything a Democrat wants them to mean
Jan. 6 has come and gone, and we need no longer be confused. Our wise and learned betters in the White House and the media have graciously reminded us that they are the final authority. Published January 14, 2024
Ask Dr. E: Do you have any words of encouragement for the dark days ahead?
Our leaders are immoral, our borders are meaningless, the economy is in shambles, our military is woke, and our schools are awful. Do you have any words of encouragement for the dark days ahead? Published January 10, 2024
The elites’ extinction agenda: Getting rid of the children
Recently, Jeffrey Clark, an associate editor for Fox News Digital, wrote an important column summarizing the growing call in media circles for "humans to go extinct." Published January 7, 2024
Ask Dr. E: What can save us from what seems to be an inevitable trainwreck of societal collapse?
Do you believe there is anything we can do that can save us from what seems to be an inevitable trainwreck of societal collapse? Published January 3, 2024