Everett Piper
Columns by Everett Piper
Long live the Queen!
Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne of the British monarchy in 1953, and at 25 years of age, she assumed the authority of "Queen Head of the Commonwealth and Defender of the Faith." Published September 10, 2022
America’s school curriculum: Garbage in, garbage out
What is taught today in the classroom today will be practiced tomorrow in our culture. Published September 4, 2022
Your children are literally ‘owned’ by Big Brother and his reeducation camps
The news this week coming out of Maryland is that the state owns your children; you don't. Published August 26, 2022
All Republicans are now terrorists
Last week, Financial Times associate editor, Edward Luce, tweeted that Republicans are the most "dangerous" political force in the world, bar none. Published August 21, 2022
Why are no Democrats prosecuted by Garland’s DOJ?
On Wednesday, Aug. 10, Merrick Garland, the United States attorney general, confidently strutted to the national podium and asserted, "No person is above the law in this country." Published August 14, 2022
DeSantis is the leader that America needs
Gov. Ron DeSantis has repeatedly proven that he is a man of courage and conviction. His response to COVID-19 encouraged millions to stop living in fear. Published August 7, 2022
Why I’m not running for ‘higher office’
Note to reader: A few months ago, I received a phone call from my county sheriff. He asked me to run for county commissioner here in Osage County, Oklahoma. Published July 30, 2022
The Church of Gaia: Elevating the planet over people
This past Wednesday, President Biden announced a list of new executive orders he will impose on the American people. Published July 24, 2022
Pastor Heath Rada fiddles while Rome burns
This week, as the headlines in the news were laden with more and more evidence of a world gone mad, the grand prize for the "Best Fiddler While Rome Burns" award goes to Presbyterian minister Heath Rada. Published July 17, 2022
The canine behavior of the LGBTQ cabal
This past week, The New York Times published an opinion piece finally admitting that today's LGBTQ cabal of rainbow activists is little more than a misogynistic cult. Published July 10, 2022
Saving the lives of millions of children not just a ‘political victory’
Last week the Supreme Court of the United States handed down a number of rulings reaffirming an originalist interpretation of America's Constitution and its federalist assumptions. Published July 4, 2022
Founding Fathers never intended U.S. to be secular or hostile to religion
This week the Supreme Court of the United States handed Americans an important victory for religious freedom. Published June 26, 2022
Mistakes or sin? There’s a big difference
In the 1700s, Isaac Watts penned the lyrics to a hymn that has stood the test of time - a song sung throughout the ages and embraced by Anabaptists and Anglicans alike. Published June 19, 2022
‘Pride Month’: When is enough enough?
As we enter the last couple weeks of June, officially designated as "Pride Month" on our national calendar, I have a couple of questions. Published June 12, 2022
Staying inside the laws of God
One thing I've learned by living in the reality of rural America as opposed to the concrete and neon of Washington or New York City is that freedom can be deceiving. Published June 5, 2022
More gun laws will not stop America’s moral decay
This past week our nation saw another morally lost young man enter a local school and proceed to shoot and kill 19 children and two teachers. Published May 29, 2022
Preaching about sin now viewed as outdated
Last week, in this column, I wrote of George Barna's recent research that indicates just slightly more than a third of American pastors (and even fewer parishioners) have a biblical worldview. Published May 22, 2022
America’s church leaders now wolves in shepherd’s clothing
American culture is unraveling. Few would argue otherwise. Whether you stand on the right or left of the political divide, we all seem to agree on one thing: Something is desperately wrong. Published May 15, 2022
Is a baby human?
Do we believe in the objective reality of the human being, or do we believe that those in power have the right to subjectively impose their definition of human life on the powerless? Published May 8, 2022
Three cheers for Arizona state Rep. Jake Hoffman
Last week, in this column, I wrote that it is an irrefutable fact that our nation's educational establishment is aggressively and intentionally working to groom your children. Published May 1, 2022