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Rowan Scarborough

Articles by Rowan Scarborough

Republicans seek a ceiling on defense cuts

Republicans on Capitol Hill are floating the idea of a ceiling for defense cuts mandated by the deficit-reduction supercommittee that would not exceed $150 billion over 10 years. Published September 14, 2011

This July 2009 photo from the Arabic-language website shows a man it identifies as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in detention at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ( via Associated Press)

Methodical approach slows start of Mohammed trial

The military officer overseeing the prosecution of Khalid Sheik Mohammed is taking a go-slow approach that would bring the confessed Sept. 11 mastermind to trial months, or perhaps years, from now. Published September 9, 2011

President Bush embraces New York City firefighter Bob Beckwith while standing in front of the collapsed World Trade Center buildings in New York on Sept. 14, 2001. Mr. Bush famously used a bullhorn to reassure ground zero rescue workers, the American public and the world that the terrorists would soon be hearing from the U.S. (Associated Press) ** FILE **

9/11 changed war-fighting

The Sept. 11 attacks jolted the U.S. armed forces into a new era of war-fighting in which commando strikes, intelligence collection and manhunts often overshadowed heavy armor and big bombers of yesteryear's conflicts. Published September 8, 2011

Pentagon mulls ways to make major cuts

The Pentagon is considering a range of options to meet a bipartisan call to greatly reduce defense spending in what is a "perfect storm" rocking the military's once-plump budget plans. Published August 26, 2011

The wreckage of a Chinook helicopter shot down on Saturday, Aug. 6, 2011, is seen at the site of crash in the Tangi Valley of Wardak province, some 60 miles southwest of Kabul, Afghanistan, on Aug. 11, 2011. The crash killed 30 Americans and eight Afghans in the single worst loss of U.S. service members in the 10-year-old war. (Associated Press)

Chinook helicopter most susceptible to Taliban ground fire

The Army Chinook helicopter, like the one shot down Aug. 6 in Afghanistan killing all 38 onboard, is the U.S. chopper most susceptible to Taliban ground fire, according to statistics compiled by a former aviator. Published August 25, 2011

SEALs were sent to stop fleeing Taliban

The top NATO commander in Afghanistan said Wednesday that the doomed Navy SEALs mission that claimed 30 American lives was intended to stop fleeing Taliban fighters and not necessarily a rescue mission as first reported. Published August 10, 2011

Commandos criticize call for SEALs

Some in the special operations community are privately criticizing the wisdom of Saturday's failed rescue mission in Afghanistan, saying commanders should have sent more than the one Chinook helicopter that was shot down, killing 30 American troops, including 23 elite Navy SEALs. Published August 9, 2011

‘Arab Spring’ dreams dying amid violence

The hopes for democracy that bloomed in the "Arab Spring" are drying up in a long, hot summer of crackdowns, civil war and continuing protests. Published July 25, 2011

Pakistan hesitates to eradicate U.S.-mapped militant camps

The U.S. has compiled a wide body of intelligence on the locations of militant training camps in Pakistan, but has been unable to persuade Islamabad to shut them down, current and former officials say. Published July 11, 2011

Afghan pullout seen as too much, too soon

Former battlefield commanders are warning that President Obama's accelerated troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in time for the 2012 presidential election risks reversing major gains made against the Taliban. Published July 5, 2011

**FILE** In this photo taken Dec. 7, 2010, former Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates pins Combat Infantry badges on soldiers at Forward Operating Base Connolly in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. (Associated Press)

Gates’ tenure successful, contradictory

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates leaves office Thursday popular with the liberal Washington establishment, but not so with conservatives chafed by his budget cutting and his enthusiastic support for open gays in the ranks. Published June 26, 2011

Panetta to carry political baggage to the Pentagon

Defense Secretary-designate Leon E. Panetta faces an early test when he takes office July 1, as the White House pushes for deeper cuts in defense spending and congressional Republicans say no way. Published June 22, 2011

USDA gay-sensitivity training seeks larger audience

U.S. Department of Agriculture activists want to impose their intense brand of homosexual sensitivity training government-wide, including a discussion that compares "heterosexism" — believing marriage can only can be between one man and one woman — to racism. Published June 17, 2011

Col. Moammar Gadhafi's portrait hangs behind a window that reflects people from several African countries gathering this week at the dictator's Bab al-Aziziya compound, a regular target of NATO airstrikes in Tripoli, Libya.

Rumbles on Hill as Gadhafi hangs on

Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi's tenacious hold on power forced NATO on Wednesday to extend its mission to protect civilians and caused consternation on Capitol Hill over U.S. involvement in the North African conflict. Published June 1, 2011