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Rowan Scarborough

Articles by Rowan Scarborough

Obama eyes cuts in expensive weapons systems

President-elect Barack Obama's transition officials are in early talks about making significant cuts in some high-priced weapon systems, seeking savings to offset budget deficits and help pay for arms sought for conflicts in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Published December 11, 2008

Obama transition eyes cuts in expensive arms systems

President-elect Barack Obama's transition officials are in early talks about making significant cuts in some high-priced weapon systems, seeking savings to offset budget deficits and help pay for arms sought for conflicts in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Published December 10, 2008

Obama to delay ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal

President-elect Barack Obama will not move for months, and perhaps not until 2010, to ask Congress to end the military's decades-old ban on open homosexuals in the ranks, two people who have advised the Obama transition team on this issue say. Published November 21, 2008

Obama may delay lifting ban on openly gay soldiers

President-elect Barack Obama will not move for months, and perhaps not until 2010, to ask Congress to end the military's decades-old ban on open homosexuals in the ranks, two people who have advised the Obama transition team on this issue say. Published November 20, 2008

Doubts mount on Afghan surge

While U.S. commanders and both presidential candidates are pressing the Pentagon to send more troops to Afghanistan, several military and Afghanistan analysts say a surge there could worsen the problems of the country. Published July 29, 2008

Iraq’s security ‘remarkably better’

The nation's top military officer Wednesday declared the security situation in Iraq so good that he expects to recommend more U.S. troop reductions this fall if conditions hold. Published July 17, 2008

Deal lets U.S. drones strike bin Laden

EXCLUSIVE -- The U.S. has an agreement with Pakistan that CIA-operated Predator drones may strike Osama bin Laden's hide-out without prior permission from Islamabad. Published July 2, 2008

Russian flights smack of Cold War

Russian bombers have stepped up provocative flight exercises off the Alaskan coast, reminiscent of Cold War incursions designed to rattle U.S. air defenses. Published June 26, 2008

New president will inherit Bush’s military leaders

Moves by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates in the past year to abruptly end the careers of four top officers will leave the next president with some of the same senior military leaders who advised President Bush on the Iraq war. Published June 19, 2008

Air Force firings followed budget battle

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates' decapitation of the Air Force leadership came months after a heated debate pitting Mr. Gates and his staff against Air Force generals over spending priorities, knowledgeable sources have revealed. Published June 15, 2008

Suicide recruits dropping in Iraq

The United States is seeing a sharp drop in the number of foreigners entering Iraq to become al Qaeda suicide bombers, according to intelligence and Bush administration sources. Published June 11, 2008

Gates eyes a top aide as Air Force secretary

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is expected to recommend one of his top aides, Michael B. Donley, for the job of Air Force secretary, a senior defense official said Friday. Published June 7, 2008

General: McCain weak on security

The most senior retired military officer to back Barack Obama says Obama will not give John McCain, a decorated war hero, a pass on the issue of national security. Published June 2, 2008