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Rowan Scarborough

Articles by Rowan Scarborough

Illustration on Biden's climate control and natural gas prices by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

Climate czar Biden spiked heat, electricity bills

The price of gasoline is ticking higher now that President Biden has depleted our emergency strategic oil supply to artificially bring down sticker shock and help Democrats in the midterm elections. Published February 8, 2023

DOJ Hur protected anti-Trump FBI Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

At DOJ, special counsel Hur protected anti-Trump FBI

Robert Hur, the special counsel assigned to investigate President Biden's sloppy secret-keeping, played an intricate role in the Department of Justice's maneuvering to thwart dossier killer Rep. Devin Nunes. Published January 25, 2023

Billionaires and Gazillionaires ruling the world illustration by The Washington Times

Hey, conservatives, gazillionaires are ruling you

Old Twitter's big operation to methodically choke off conservative thought drives home the new reality in America: We are being ruled by unelected, super-rich left-wing ideologues. Published December 20, 2022

Biden Canceling Trump Illustration by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

Biden’s constitutional power to cancel Trump

Take a look at how well GOP candidates did with the overall popular vote, with the largest block of American voters, and with Hispanics, and the numbers say they should have achieved a wave election. Published November 14, 2022

FBI's Mar-a-Lago raid and Nunes and Patel illustration by Linas Garsys / The Washington Times

FBI chooses Mar-a-Lago raid to jolt critic Kash Patel

In 2017, Kash Patel and his boss, Rep. Devin Nunes, then chair of the House intelligence committee, launched an unprecedented challenge to the FBI's 7th-floor hierarchy and to its ballyhooed counterintelligence division. Published August 31, 2022