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Rowan Scarborough

Articles by Rowan Scarborough

Keith Schiller, a former New York City detective, accompanied Donald Trump to Moscow in 2013 as his bodyguard. (Associated Press/File)

Democrats pursue Donald Trump prostitute story

House Democrats are trying to prove that President Trump engaged in salacious activities with prostitutes in the swanky Moscow Ritz-Carlton in 2013. He repeatedly has denied any such encounter. Published November 26, 2017

Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson decided last week to invoke the Fifth Amendment rather than testify under subpoena before a special House Republican task force that is collecting evidence to show an extensive, election year, anti-Trump conspiracy. (Associated Press/File)

Fusion GPS, Russian dossier firm, paid journalists for work

Fusion GPS, the liberal opposition research firm that funded and distributed the anti-Trump dossier, has paid three journalists for work related to Congress' Russia probe, according to court filings. Published November 24, 2017

Iranian agreements with Syria to keep forces in the country indefinitely would bring Tehran closer to its goal of securing a corridor from the Iranian border through Iraq all the way to the Mediterranean. That would give Iran unhindered land access to its allies in Syria and Lebanon for the first time. (Associated Press/File)

Iran’s Syria plan hints at Shiite ‘Red Crescent’ goal

Iran's top military officer signed agreements in Syria last month that will keep Iranian forces there indefinitely with a pledge to help the Bashar Assad regime rebuild damaged military bases, according to the main opposition group to Tehran's Islamic rulers. Published November 22, 2017

Rep. Devin Nunes (right), chairman of the House Permanent Select committee on intelligence, has widened the net in the panel's investigation into the use of the unconfirmed Russia dossier against Donald Trump. (Associated Press/File)

Journalist pay questioned in Russian dossier court cases

The role of reporters is taking on added importance in federal court battles over the infamous Russian dossier that leveled unverified charges of collusion against the Donald Trump campaign. Published November 5, 2017