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Richard W. Rahn

Richard W. Rahn

Richard W. Rahn is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and chairman of the Institute for Global Economic Growth.

Articles by Richard W. Rahn

Huge Government Expense Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Economic growth suffers from overspending, not undertaxation

At the end of this past week, The Washington Post ran a long story on the Center for Freedom and Prosperity (CFP), an organization that I have long supported. It appeared that the original goal was to do a hit piece on CFP because it had been a leader in the fight for global tax competition and smaller government. Published June 13, 2016

Chart to accompany Rahn article of June 7, 2016

RICHARD RAHN: Socialism triggers downward spiral

The U.S. economy has been going nowhere for seven years, and there are increasing fears that it is going into a recession with only 38,000 jobs being created last month. At the same time, Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves on the planet, is sinking into economic chaos. None of this need happen. The disease is the same -- only the fever is higher in Venezuela. Published June 6, 2016

Regulatory Parasite Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: Regulations will ruin the economy

The successful parasite does not kill its host. But the federal regulatory parasite is in the process of killing the golden goose upon which it feeds. Several studies from highly reputable institutions have been released in the last number of days, all with similar alarming conclusions -- namely, the number and costs of federal regulations are growing much faster than the economy, and they are having a significant negative impact on economic growth and job creation. Published May 23, 2016

Taking Money Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: International bureaucrats want cut of corporate taxes

Well brought-up individuals are taught not to take things from other people's pockets: "Thou shall not steal." There are those who never learned the lesson -- criminals, and many in the global political class. The latest targets of the global looters are multinational corporations. Published May 9, 2016

Climate Change Gravy Train Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: Global warming and the return of pseudo-science

This past month, I received an email from a European friend (who has a doctorate in chemistry) saying: "Dear Richard: Now you are a member of this illustrious club! I am beginning to be afraid! What is going on?" It seems my name had been put on a "Global Warming Disinformation Database." Published May 2, 2016

Negative Effect of Negative Interest Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: The madness of negative interest rates

Would you like for the bank to give you a check each month for your mortgage interest payment rather than you paying the bank interest? As mad as that question seems, the fact is that some homeowners in Denmark are now receiving checks each month because their mortgages have negative (below zero) interest rates. Published April 25, 2016

Illustration on the successful targeting of the coal industry by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: Coal industry’s slow demise prove importance off counterattacks

Last week, the nation's largest coal company, Peabody Coal, declared bankruptcy, as have many other coal companies in the past few years. They were victims of the development of fracking technology, which greatly increased the supply and reduced the cost of natural gas, but they were even more victims of President Obama's stated war on coal. Published April 18, 2016

Tax Haven Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: The Panama Papers and tax shocks

Grand Cayman, C.I. -- Were you shocked with the release of the "Panama Papers" to learn of all of the politicians from around the globe who have utilized Panama and other "offshore" entities to set up financial structures to hide their money? Published April 11, 2016

Illustration on slander by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: The high cost of slander

Endless cruelties have been and continue to be committed on the basis of group slander. The communists and socialists imprisoned and slaughtered many of their merchant and property-owning citizens on the basis of a gross slander, not to mention what the Nazis did to the Jews. Published April 4, 2016

FILE - In this Wednesday, July 29, file 2015 photo, the Puerto Rican flag flies in front of Puerto Rico’s Capitol as in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Legislators in Puerto Rico have approved on Monday, Feb. 15, 2016, a last-minute bill needed to finalize a deal to restructure the U.S. territory's heavily indebted public power company. (AP Photo/Ricardo Arduengo, File)

RICHARD RAHN: Economic lessons from Hong Kong, Cuba, Puerto Rico

Why is Hong Kong rich, Cuba very poor, and Puerto Rico struggling? Back in 1955, the islands of Puerto Rico, Cuba and Hong Kong had roughly the same real per capita income. They each took very different economic paths. Now, some 60 years later, Hong Kong is even richer than the United States on a per capita income basis. Published March 28, 2016

Illustration on the suppression of free speech by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

RICHARD W. RAHN: Free speech a hallmark against tyranny

Do you support free speech? How about free speech for climate change skeptics? For homophobes? For racists? For sexists? For white males? For even Donald Trump? Those who defend free speech, as did the American Founding Fathers, understand it is not about defending speech you agree with, but defending speech you disagree with. Without free speech, there is no liberty. Published March 14, 2016

The Empowerment of Modern Technology Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

RICHARD W. RAHN: Big government policies harm business

Despite wage stagnation, most people are living much better. How can that be? It is because those reviled capitalists all over the world are creating more and better goods and services at lower cost, and in doing so improving everyone's real standard of living, well-being and happiness. Published March 7, 2016

OECD: Raising Taxes the World Over Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: Using tax money to raise taxes

If a member of Congress told you that he was going to use some of your hard-earned tax dollars to support an international organization that demands that you pay higher taxes, what would you say? Unfortunately, the question is not hypothetical, because that is exactly what is now happening. Published February 29, 2016

Illustration on international banking practices by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: Central bank policies have upended global economy

What the world's major central banks have been doing is not working. Rather than go back to the tried and true, they are now digging in deeper on policies that are bound to fail, such as the move to negative interest rates, which many will find personally harmful. Published February 22, 2016

Illustration on the diminution of liberty as government grows by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: Regaining ground from government

This past week, a majority of the members of the Supreme Court gave notice that there is a limit to how much of their and Congress' power they will allow the executive branch to grab. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been expanding its own definitions of what it is able to do under the Clean Air Act. Published February 15, 2016

Illustration on liberal terminology by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: ‘Progressive’ means opposite of definition

What does a "progressive" stand for? How does this differ from what a liberal, conservative or libertarian stands for? More so than in most years, the presidential candidates are debating about labels. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders got into an argument last week about what a progressive is, and Mrs. Clinton enlightened everyone by telling us "the root of that word, progressive is progress." Published February 8, 2016

Government Accountability Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: How bureaucrats hide misdeeds that would jail private citizens

A major reason for the growing distrust of government is the double standard whereby government officials and employees often suffer no consequences from incompetence, misbehavior and even criminal violations of the law. In the common law, there is a general principle that if a person is damaged by the actions of others through negligence or illegal behavior, he or she has a right to redress. Published February 1, 2016

Illustration on the history of human suffering under socialism by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

RICHARD RAHN: Socialism means coercion

Do you know what socialism is? Hillary Clinton struggled to find an answer when recently asked. Socialism is a system in which the government owns or controls the means of production, and allocates resources and rewards. Published January 25, 2016