Joseph Curl
Columns by Joseph Curl
CURL: Time for a new Republican Party
The Republican Party did not lose last Tuesday's election. It was obliterated, crushed, slaughtered, massacred, squashed, annihilated — and, let's hope, extinguished. Published November 11, 2012
CURL: Sandy is Obama’s Katrina — but the media look away
A former top official from the George W. Bush White House and I play a game via email. The slug of each message is always — "Imagine If Bush Had " followed by some egregious act by President Obama. The latest email was, of course, about Hurricane Sandy. Published November 4, 2012
CURL: You don’t mess with the CIA
You know who doesn't like getting thrown under the bus? The CIA. You know what the CIA does when you try to throw it under the bus? They get even — quickly, quietly, and with fatal consequences. Published October 28, 2012
CURL: Crowley skews hard for Obama in disastrous presidential debate
Another debate, another debacle for America's media. Published October 17, 2012
CURL: Time to prepare for the ugliest debate ever — ever
Tonight, CNN's Candy Crowley is the media's last chance to protect Their Chosen One. They've got just the right person serving up softballs — a talk show commentator who, after Mitt Romney selected Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate, said the choice reflected a "death wish" for the ticket. Published October 15, 2012
CURL: The lies pile up on Benghazi
The killing of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Libya on the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks has turned into a massive scandal that threatens to unravel in the final three weeks of the 2012 presidential campaign. Published October 14, 2012
CURL: President Romney vs. Challenger Obama
Something bizarre, surreal, perhaps unprecedented, has happened in the 2012 presidential election. With 28 days to go until Election Day, Mitt Romney, who served as governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007, has become the de facto president of the United States, and Barack Obama, who has served as president of the United States since 2009, has become the challenger — a "candidate." Published October 9, 2012
CURL: The dismantling of Barack Obama
On Wednesday, Americans got their first view of their two options on Election Day: One, a man with a plan — and not the failed plan of the past four years — the other, an emperor with no clothes who thinks it "better to continue the procession under the illusion that anyone who couldn't see his clothes was either stupid or incompetent." Published October 7, 2012
CURL: Obama wins first debate, says everyone in world
In a debate sure to sway millions of voters and quite possibly change the course of mankind if not the very orbit of the heavenly bodies in the Milky Way, President Obama last night crushed Mitt Romney like a bug, displaying an agile and fecund intellect rivaled only by Albert Einstein and possibly Socrates. Published September 30, 2012
CURL: 2012 is 1980 — but is Romney Ronald Reagan?
In the upcoming debates, Mitt Romney will need to present as stark a choice as Ronald Reagan did 32 years ago. Published September 23, 2012
CURL: Obama’s protective press cordon
Protecting and defending President Obama through his failures and blunders and gaffes is a full-time job for America's mainstream press corps — and they're getting worried. Published September 16, 2012
CURL: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, professional liar
While God had a pretty good week in Charlotte, N.C., enjoying His own Sally Fields Academy Awards moment ("You like me! Right now! You like me!"), one person who has had a decidedly bad week is Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Published September 6, 2012
CURL: A game changer, in three minutes
In just three short minutes, Democrats handed the 2012 election to Republican Mitt Romney. Published September 5, 2012
CURL: Clinton’s presence undercuts Democrats’ celebration of women
Talk about your irony. Democrats, who have declared that Republicans are engaging in a "war against women," will be led at their national convention this week by Bill Clinton, whose list of reported transgressions against women is, well, let's say, long. Published September 4, 2012
CURL: Palin still isn’t afraid to ‘rage against the machine’
Four years ago almost to the day, Sarah Palin became a megastar. Overnight, she went from an obscure governor of a state 67 hours by car from the White House to the Republican Party’s second in command, a power player who, very likely, could run for president in 2012 — and win the nomination. Published August 29, 2012
CURL: GOP convention speakers agree — no more years
If you want passionate partisanship, look no further than — Alex Schriver? Published August 28, 2012
CURL: The dog days — press rolls over for Obama
Take the dog days of August, add a presidential election. What do you get? Time for the mainstream media to roll over like Fido for the Democratic candidate. Published August 26, 2012
CURL: Obama, Biden, Clinton — a fly on the wall hears all
President Obama, Vice President Joseph R. Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton met in the White House on Thursday. This is, according to a nonpartisan fly that happened to be on the wall, a firsthand, verbatim account of their conversation. Published August 19, 2012
CURL: Game-changing pick for Romney, worst nightmare for Obama
Well, that didn't take long. By 11 a.m. Saturday, shortly after presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney appeared with his newly picked running mate, the Senate Democratic leader fired out a bitter e-mail. Published August 12, 2012
CURL: The silly season — Obama’s winning?!
It's political "silly season," when everyone says whatever they want — it doesn't matter, no one will know if it's true or not, and whatever is said will be ancient history by tomorrow morning. Published August 5, 2012