Joseph Curl
Columns by Joseph Curl
CURL: Obama, toxic avenger
President Obama is so toxic to Democrats that even his own one-time sycophantic aides are saying, "Who?" Published March 19, 2014
CURL: We overhauled U.S. health care — to insure 4.2 million people?
The number bounced around for years — 46 million. President Obama said it in August 2009: "I don't have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don't have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage." Published March 16, 2014
CURL: Calm down, conservatives: Obama’s ‘Two Ferns’ bit was brilliant
Every time I sit down to write my column, my wife or my son or my daughter will wander in and say: "Whucha' dune?" I always say, "Writing my column." Then they always say: "What about? How bad Obama is — again?" Published March 12, 2014
CURL: Today’s GOP really is Reagan’s ‘Big Tent’ party
The mainstream media have a meme they post over and over and over: The Republican Party is in "disarray." Sometimes they say it's "divided." Or there's "discord," or "dissension," or "dysfunction." Other times, the GOP is ripped apart by "disunity" or "disharmony." Published March 9, 2014
Obama goes from lame to laughable — in just one week
It's not often that so many incredible — even laughable — stories come along all in the same week, so let's not waste one moment before we jump right in. Published March 6, 2014
CURL: God making a comeback in Hollywood
In 2013, we had Leonardo DiCaprio snorting cocaine off — well, if you saw "The Wolf of Wall Street" (a totally missable movie, regardless of what the vaunted Academy says), you know where. Cate Blanchett chomped Xanax like they were Tic Tacs, Matthew McConaughey did his yeoman's share of coke, and "American Hustle" taught us all that drugged-out crime really does pay. Published March 2, 2014
CURL: Fear and trembling for Democrats on Capitol Hill
How bad are things in Congress right now for Democrats? So bad that a guy who has been there 58 years is calling it quits. I mean, c'mon, where does he have to go? Published February 26, 2014
CURL: Both parties a joke in budget’s silly season
In "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," the classic 1975 movie, King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table ride toward Camelot (well, there are no horses, just a guy clacking two halves of a coconut shell together). Published February 23, 2014
CURL: In 2014, Obama looks to divide and conquer again
President Obama, fresh off a three-day weekend of golf and "climate change" scare-mongering in California, has once again turned his attention to the issue Americans care most about: Raising the minimum wage to $10.10. Published February 19, 2014
CURL: New ‘climate change’ tack: It’s the economy, stupid
You readers who have lived in the Washington area since the 1970s will remember the frigid winters back then. They lasted for months and dumped foot after foot of snow. The biggest lakes in the area froze solid — so solid that parents let their children play hockey on them. And the C&O Canal was a speed skater's dream — a 20-mile sheet of ice from Georgetown to Violette's Lock in Potomac. Published February 16, 2014
CURL: The rehabilitation of Hillary Clinton
While Hillary Rodham Clinton has all but vanished, hitting the speaker's circuit at $200,000 a pop and bouncing between her two palatial mansions in New York and Washington, the press corps is working overtime to rebuild her tarnished reputation. Published February 12, 2014
CURL: Hoffman’s selfish death leaves children behind to suffer
The news alerts started flying at 2 p.m. that Sunday, then the e-mails. "Did you hear? Philip Seymour Hoffman is dead." Published February 9, 2014
CURL: Is everyone over at the White House high?
While marijuana's biggest booster — President Obama — says blowing a joint with your buddies is fine anytime, the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy says pot is "dangerous" and that sale of the drug is a "serious crime." (So, maybe just the occupant of the Oval Office is baked.) Published February 5, 2014
CURL: What has happened to the New York Times?
What has happened to The New York Times? The Gray Lady, America's Paper of Record, where readers turn to find "All the News That's Fit to Print," has gone off the deep end. Published February 2, 2014
CURL: State of the Union moot as Obama becomes irrelevant
CNN had a countdown clock, like Cape Canaveral launching a rocket to Mars. "2 hours 19 minutes 44 seconds" the clock said, ticking down to The Big Moment. Published January 29, 2014
CURL: White House panics as millennials wise up, bail on President Obama
President Obama is making a sudden push to win back millennial voters, who have grown disillusioned over his failed "Hope and Change" campaign that left them without jobs, living in their parents' basement. Published January 26, 2014
CURL: President Choom gives weed his seal of approval
President Obama says marijuana is no different from cigarettes and no "more dangerous than alcohol" — and he should know. Published January 22, 2014
CURL: The drip, drip, drip of Benghazi
Another day, another revelation on Benghazi. The "bipartisan" Senate Select Committee on Intelligence last week put out a scathing report on the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on U.S. diplomatic outposts in Libya, citing "systematic failures" that led to the death of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Published January 19, 2014
CURL: For liars like Obama and Clinton, ends justify means on Benghazi
In the world of philosophy, there are two prime schools of thought about action and consequence. Published January 15, 2014
CURL: Chris Christie’s handling of ‘Bridgegate’ schools Obama on how to deal with a crisis
A note to all those crisis management PR firms lining K Street: The next time you have a client with a big problem, play 'em New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's "Bridgegate" press conference. Published January 12, 2014