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David Keene

David Keene

Editor at Large — David Keene, a trusted adviser to presidents, a longtime champion of personal liberty and one of conservatism’s most respected voices, is the former opinion editor of The Washington Times. An author, columnist and fixture on national television, Mr. Keene has championed conservative causes for more than five decades while offering advice to Republican presidents and countless candidates. He additionally served as chairman of the American Conservative Union and president of the National Rifle Association. He can be reached at

Columns by David Keene

Liberal Base Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Democrats out to sea on why they lost Middle America

Conservatives and liberals today rarely talk with -- as opposed to past -- each other. They disagree not just on the solutions to societal problems but on what those problems might be, and see very different worlds as they tune into their favorite cable news or internet outlets. In short, they live on different planets and speak different languages. It's little wonder they don't get along, or even begin to understand each other. Published October 30, 2017

Illustration on bump stocks by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

NRA backs regulations on ‘bump stock’

The National Rifle Association's statement following the Las Vegas shootings earlier this month was seen by some as a crack in the organization's blanket opposition to legislative attempts to undermine Second Amendment rights in this country. Some pro-gun activists quickly criticized the move as evidence that the NRA has gone soft, and anti-gunners like Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi said she dearly hoped the move would put the organization on the very "slippery slope" its members feared. Published October 24, 2017

Illustration on Mitch McConnell by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Mitch McConnell was instrumental in Gorsuch confirmation

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is regarded by most conservatives and Republicans outside Washington as the embodiment of all that's wrong with Washington. A recent Harvard study found him the least popular of all nationally known political figures and a group of my fellow conservatives told him in an open letter that as far as they're concerned, he is "the swamp." Published October 18, 2017

National Guardsmen arrive at Barrio Obrero in Santurce to distribute water and food among those affected by the passage of Hurricane Maria, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Sunday, Sept. 24, 2017. Puerto Rico's nonvoting representative in the U.S. Congress said Sunday that Hurricane Maria's destruction has set the island back decades, even as authorities worked to assess the extent of the damage. (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti)

Puerto Rico recovery is addressed by Trump

They're hoping for "deja vu all over again," as Yogi Berra might have said. Liberals looking for a silver bullet to take down a president they can't stand are hoping they've found it in the administration's response to Hurricane Maria. After all, they found one in President George W. Bush's perceived bungling of the Hurricane Katrina relief effort in 2005 and used it to almost terminally undermine his popularity. Published September 27, 2017

Democrat Thumb on the Scale Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Donald Trump gets trashed in biased surveys

How soon they forget. Heartened by a stream of poll data suggesting that the public is less than enamored with his performance as president, Donald Trump's critics who've been taken in by polls before seem to think they have the man on the ropes. Published September 25, 2017

Duplicitous Durbin Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Democrats try to impose a ‘religious test’

The attempted Senate mugging of Notre Dame law professor Amy Coney Barrett by Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Dick Durbin was ugly and may have amounted to an attempt to impose an unconstitutional "religious test" on a judicial nominee seeking Senate confirmation, but said more about the muggers than their intended victim. Published September 18, 2017

Making the best of a bad nuclear hand

That so many of the nation's leading Democrats believe President Trump poses a greater threat to world peace than the mad dog leader of a nuclearized North Korea says more about them than either the president or Kim Jong-un. Published August 30, 2017

D.C. Isolated Under Glass Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

The unobstructed view from flyover country

As summer winds down, District-area schools are reopening and those who escaped the heat of Washington to vacation outside the Beltway are returning to their desks, one can only hope that the time they spent outside the D.C. bubble gave them some insight into the parochialism of thinking here. Published August 29, 2017

Smoking Gun Flash Drive Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Russia hack of DNC will be proved to be untrue

California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's recent three-hour meeting with WikiLeaks head Julian Assange as reported earlier this week by The Hill may prove interesting in light of the allegations of several former high-ranking U.S. intelligence analysts that the Democratic National Committee was not hacked by the Russians or anyone else prior to last fall's presidential election. Published August 20, 2017

Illustration on the challenge for Trump posed by North Korea by Nancy Ohanian/Tribune Content Agency

Donald Trump must deal with Obama’s nuclear accord

That so many of the nation's leading Democrats believe President Trump poses a greater threat to world peace than the mad dog leader of a nuclearized North Korea says more about them than either the president or Kim Jong-un. Published August 14, 2017

Illustration on the deteriorating Venezuela situation by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Venezuela may collapse

As U.S. policymakers fret about Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine and North Korea, far too little attention is being paid to the powder keg to the south of us that may be about to blow. Once-prosperous Venezuela has been coming apart for years, but the roundly condemned Constituent Assembly election engineered by presidential strongman Nicolas Maduro lit the fuse that could ignite a civil war in his country. With a Sunday attack by uniformed insurgents on a military base, the internecine battle may have already begun. Published August 7, 2017

Illustration on foul language by the administration in the White House by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Donald Trump runs danger of following Nixon’s path

It was 1974. Richard Nixon was in the White House fighting for his political life and James L. Buckley, who had been elected to the Senate on the Conservative Party line in New York four years before was privately wondering whether he could in good conscience continue to support a president who he believed had betrayed his principles, the presidency and the nation. As the Watergate revelations built, Democrats were demanding the president's head, but most Republicans were still nervously defending their president. Published July 31, 2017

In this July 17, 2016, file photo, then-Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort talks to reporters on the floor of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

Robert Mueller team shows history of crossing ethical lines

President Trump's advisers and defenders in trying to undermine former FBI Director Robert Mueller's investigation of the Trump campaign's alleged pre-election "collusion" with Vladimir Putin's Russia are pointing out that Mr. Mueller and another former FBI director, James Comey, are longtime buddies. Published July 25, 2017

Spiro Agnew in 1969    Associated Press photo

Media bias first uncovered by Spiro Agnew

On Nov. 13, 1969, Spiro T. Agnew walked to the podium in Des Moines, Iowa, to deliver perhaps the most famous speech ever by a U.S. vice president. It was, of course, the famous "Des Moines Speech" in which Mr. Agnew for the first time took on broadcast media commentators in a way that must make President Trump green with envy. Published July 11, 2017

Illustration on the decline of the FBI by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

FBI cannot be trusted

Can anyone with a modicum of common sense trust the Federal Bureau of investigation? The answer to that question is a resounding "no." The claim that the FBI strives to be above politics is today and has always been absurd. Published June 24, 2017

Illustration on vocational education for manufacture by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Apprenticeship programs will spur economy

My father was the president of the Rockford, Illinois Labor Council when I was a kid. He was a machinist at a time when Rockford and Cincinnati were the centers of the nation's machine tool industry. I remember that many of those working as machinists in Rockford back then were Hungarian refugees; skilled machinists who had fled after Soviet tanks had put down their attempt to topple their Communist government in 1956. Published June 18, 2017

Illustration on resisting being goaded into a like reaction to attacks on the GOP by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Alexandria attack shows conservatives must not stoop to liberals’ level

Conservatives will be tempted in the days ahead to blame the left's over the top anti-Republican, anti-Trump rhetoric for the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise and the others wounded in Alexandria on Wednesday. It will be tempting both because leftist leaders have thrown all decency aside as they vent against those with whom they disagree and because in the hours following the shootings Twitter was awash with messages emanating from the progressive fever swamps celebrating the shootings because Republicans "deserve" whatever they get. Published June 15, 2017

Victor Gold    The Washington Times

Victor Gold obituary

Victor Gold died quietly last week. His passing was both unexpected and uncharacteristic for in his 88 years no one who knew him or encountered him would have expected him to do anything quietly. Vic was one of a kind; to say that he was passionate about life, his beliefs, football; his friends and life in general hardly begins to describe the man. Published June 8, 2017

Protesters from labor and other progressive groups fill the rotunda of the state Capitol in St. Paul, Minn., on Wednesday, May 24, 2017, to demand that Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton veto the bills that passed before the Minnesota Legislature's special session bogged down earlier in the day. (AP Photo/Steve Karnowski)

Organized labor is in decline

My father was a toolmaker and union organizer who, for many years, headed the Rockford, Ill. Labor Council while my mother was serving five terms as head of the Women's Auxiliary of the United Auto Workers. Dad worked as a machinist and my mother as a waitress and clerk in a local jewelry store until my dad retired and joined a couple of buddies to buy a bar. Published May 24, 2017

Illustration on the selection of the next director of the FBI by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Stephen Colbert got cheers for announcing Comey firing

CBS "Late Show" host Stephen Colbert, a major league anti-Trump media star, was taken aback when, upon hearing that FBI Director James Comey had been fired, his audience broke into cheers and wild applause. Published May 15, 2017