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David Keene

David Keene

Editor at Large — David Keene, a trusted adviser to presidents, a longtime champion of personal liberty and one of conservatism’s most respected voices, is the former opinion editor of The Washington Times. An author, columnist and fixture on national television, Mr. Keene has championed conservative causes for more than five decades while offering advice to Republican presidents and countless candidates. He additionally served as chairman of the American Conservative Union and president of the National Rifle Association. He can be reached at

Columns by David Keene

Illustration on the legal and commercial rights of generic drug manufacturers by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

The CREATES Act is not a simple matter of liberal vs. conservative

It may be hard to believe, but some conservatives are arguing that any conservative who supports a measure before Congress called the CREATES Act that would allow generic drug makers under certain circumstances to go to court to get their competitors to play by the rules are ideological sellouts too willing to jump into bed with liberals and greedy trial lawyers. Published March 18, 2018

Illinois Money Bag Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Fleeing Illinois

Illinois is many things, but no one in their right mind would move there and those unlucky enough to have been born there are moving out as fast as they can find jobs or move their businesses somewhere else. Some move as far away as Florida or Texas, but many others are content to simply haul their assets a few miles to Iowa, Wisconsin or Indiana. Published March 13, 2018

Eric the Joker Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Eric Holder, Obama’s ‘wing man’

President Barack Obama's attorney general who once described himself as his president's "wing man" showed up on television over the weekend to brag that unlike Attorney General Jeff Sessions he had the pleasure of serving a president "I did not have to protect." The man is either suffering from early onset dementia or lying to rewrite history. Published March 5, 2018

School Safety Program Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

How liberals use the latest school shooting to demonize gun ownership

The reaction to the latest school shooting could have been predicted and is unfolding in just the way the massacre at Newtown, Connecticut, did back in 2013. Progressive politicians and their friends in the media are blaming not the shooter or those who ignored warnings about him or the lack of school security, but the National Rifle Association and the right of law-abiding Americans to purchase and own firearms. Published February 25, 2018

Illustration on the media's view of Logan Act "violations" by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

How the media plays favorites with the Logan Act

Anyone who doubts that the media plays favorites need look no further than the way pundits embraced the idea that Donald Trump's transition team members probably violated the Logan Act by talking to foreign officials before their man was sworn in as president and compare it to the way those same pundits have ignored recent contacts former Secretary of State John Kerry has had with officials of the Palestinian authority in the Middle East. Published February 13, 2018

Bad Times for Medical Marijuana Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Marijuana laws and gun ownership

Advocates for and against the legalization of marijuana for recreational use have been sparring for decades in part at least because there are merits on both sides of the argument, but the same cannot be said about whether doctors should be free to prescribe marijuana for medical purposes. Published February 7, 2018

Corruption at the FBI Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

The Nunes memo and left-wing pundits

The mere suggestion that anyone at the Justice Department or the Federal Bureau of Investigation might have acted improperly in an effort to keep Donald J. Trump out of the White House is being denounced these days as "unpatriotic" by congressional Democrats and left-wing media pundits. Such charges are coming from Trump supporters willing to undermine or even destroy our most important and heretofore trusted institutions to defend a president they see as a madman. Published February 5, 2018

The Shutdown Schumer T-shirt Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

It’s not the ‘Trump shutdown’

Even with the shutdown averted, Democrats continue to act as if they believe that no matter what they do, Republicans will get the blame, but reality is beginning to undermine their narrative. Published January 22, 2018

USA Eye in the Sky Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

When surveillance powers in the name of national security lead to abuse

In the days following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President George W. Bush and Congress passed legislation that vastly expanded the government's surveillance powers in the name of national security and protecting the "homeland." Published December 26, 2017

Swamp Creature Boeing Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

The case of Boeing and the Ex-Im bank is study in crony capitalism

Boeing executives are being lauded for being the first out of the box to announce that at least some of the money they will save as a result of the passage of the Republican tax plan will go directly to their employees and will allow them to invest more into increasing the company's manufacturing capacity in the United States. Published December 25, 2017

Illustration on the Mueller investigation by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Robert Mueller and team have ways of making Trump associates talk

Robert Mueller, like virtually every special prosecutor or independent counsel preceding him, has embarked on what amounts to a witch hunt that will allow him to brag when it's over that he indicted a bunch of those he went after — even if he never manages to unearth any evidence that the Trump campaign "colluded" with the Russians. Published December 12, 2017

Illustration on the benefits of the GOP tax reform plan by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Told to expect the worst about tax bill, Americans stand to be pleasantly surprised

Earlier this week House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi predicted somewhat apocalyptically that passage of the Republican tax bill would quite simply mean "the end of the world." It is true that the lady from the Bay is given to hyperbolic overstatement, but she seems to see herself as the leader of a party and movement that views those who disagree with them as bent upon destruction, murder and, yes, ending the world. Published December 7, 2017

Shutdown Schumer T-shirt Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

The consequences of Donald Trump’s budget pact with Democrats emerge

The coming government shutdown that at least some congressional leaders are working hard to avoid was predicted by many when President Trump sidestepped congressional Republicans to cut a deal with Democratic leaders last fall. The deal was celebrated in the media and elated a president desperate for good press, but left Republicans worrying about what the White House gave up for a few headlines. Published December 5, 2017

Erika Harold image from her social media. Image was manipulated in digitally and used to illustrate an opinion article by David Keene.

Erika Harold running for state’s attorney general in Illinois

It was 2014 and the first time attendees at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference or CPAC got a load of former Miss America Erika Harold who was invited to address the attendees as of one of the most promising young conservatives in the country. She is a black female lawyer from Illinois who had in 2003 been chosen Miss America. She had entered the Miss America pageant hoping to win enough money to go to Harvard Law School and did just that. Published November 16, 2017

Illustration on continuing bigotry by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

Liberals bigoted against Southerners

Chuck Morgan, who headed the American Civil Liberties Union Washington office in the early 1970s, was both a character and a good friend. Chuck hailed from Birmingham, Alabama, and was, of course, a graduate of the University of Alabama who gained notoriety as a staunch champion of civil rights at a time when standing up for blacks in Alabama was neither all that safe nor a career enhancer. Published November 7, 2017

What once was: Donna Brazile brandishes a Hillary Clinton campaign sign at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, 16 months before the publication of her new book "Hacked." (Associated Press) ** FILE **

Hillary Clinton campaign doomed by data-driven methods

Donna Brazile's revealing look at what was going on within her beloved Democratic Party in the days leading up to Donald Trump's victory over party favorite Hillary Clinton last November has finally forced media pundits to realize that the hated Republicans aren't the only dysfunctional family in town. Published November 6, 2017

Turning Monuments into Parking Lots Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

George Washington pew removal latest political correctness

A few days after demonstrators for and against removing a Confederate statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, rioted, President Trump asked where it might end. "I wonder," Mr. Trump said, "is it George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself: Where does it stop?" Published November 1, 2017

Illustration on keeping government sponsored surveillance legal by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

Government surveillance constitutionality must be limited

Two years ago, in the wake of Edward Snowden's revelation of sweeping electronic surveillance by the National Security Agency, Congress enacted the USA Freedom Act, to put an end to the NSA's nationwide bulk collection of telephone "metadata" -- who we call, when we call and for how long -- on everyday Americans. At the time, some warned that the law would weaken efforts to stop terrorism, but there is no evidence it has done so. Published October 31, 2017