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Charles Hurt

Charles Hurt

Charles Hurt is the Opinion Editor and a columnist for The Washington Times. Often seen as a Fox News contributor on the cable network’s signature evening news roundtable, Mr. Hurt in his 20-year career has worked his way up from a beat reporter for the Detroit News and Washington correspondent for the Charlotte Observer before joining The Washington Times in 2003. He later served as D.C. bureau chief and White House correspondent for the New York Post and editor at the Drudge Report. He can be reached at

Columns by Charles Hurt

HURT: Big picture looks good for GOP

With all the creepy preaching from Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney's disastrous attempts at relating to earthlings who don't own a couple of Cadillacs or hobnob with owners of NASCAR teams, it is understandable Republicans might be a wee bit depressed these days. Published February 28, 2012

HURT: Pious pretenders should blame themselves

The shocker out of the fracas over President Obama forcing contraceptives on everybody has been how all these suddenly pious politicians and appeasing religious leaders who paved the way for Obamacare pretend to be surprised that the right to rubbers, diaphragms and pills has been enshrined in the pantheon of American rights, up there with free speech. Published February 14, 2012

HURT: Maybe Mitt Romney might just be enough

As former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld might say, you have to go into the general election with the candidate you have, not the candidate you might want or wish to have at a later time. Published February 7, 2012

HURT: ‘Islamist Firster’ president not what he claimed

Surveying the live minefields, cratered roads and mortar-pocked concrete buildings along the border here between Syria and Israel, it is hard not to be reminded of the historic and monumental disappointment President Obama has been. Published January 31, 2012

** FILE ** This video image provided by the Office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords shows Giffords announcing her plans to resign, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012. (AP Photo/Office of Gabrielle Giffords)

HURT: Congress a generous place to work

Congress is a very generous place to work, a place where a horrific tragedy (such as the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords) or terrible health news (such as a stroke, suffered by Sen. Mark Kirk) doesn't mean career uncertainty and financial destitution. It would be lovely if the rest of the world were that generous. Published January 24, 2012

HURT: Jonny Huntsman, we hardly knew ye

At last, the long national nightmare of Jon Huntsman Jr. running for president is finally over. One can only hope we will never again endure hearing Chinese spoken during another presidential debate. Published January 17, 2012

** FILE ** Six candidates vying for the Republican presidential nomination — (from left) former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry — are introduced before a GOP presidential candidate debate at the Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord, N.H., on Sunday, Jan. 8, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

HURT: Attacking markets exposes folly of Romney rivals

The whole problem with Mitt Romney, it turns out, is that he dared to participate in the American free market before going into politics. At least, that is, according to Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and their increasingly wacky, desperate and dwindling band of supporters. Published January 10, 2012

HURT: Obama’s naked thuggery

After all these years it took a great constitutional scholar who had spent a life cloistered in academia and street work to utterly rape our most cherished Constitution. Published January 9, 2012

HURT: Santorum’s showing suggests — it’s time for the porcupine

There are two reasons the overtly religious Rick Santorum has never been taken seriously as a presidential contender. It's not just that the media is made up of mainly Godless heathens. It's also that most political reporters have reached the conclusion that he is about as lovable as a porcupine with the charm of a possum. Published January 3, 2012

Republican Sens. Mike Johanns (left) of Nebraska, Johnny Isakson (center) of Georgia and James Risch of Idaho leave closed-door negotiations on the payroll tax cut extension and other measures on Dec. 16, 2011, at the Capitol. (Associated Press)

HURT: Congress — the Christmas relative from hell

Last week's dramatic, down-to-the wire legislative hokum to "rescue" millions of Americans from a $1,000 tax increase on the stroke of the New Year reminds us once again how Congress really is that whining, self-absorbed nightmare of a relative that every family must endure. Published December 27, 2011

HURT: Deflecting blame for tax-cut logjam

Democrats finally find a tax cut they can abide, and so both sides agree to extend it. But just as they are about to partake in the bipartisan peace pipe a few days before Christmas, Congress promptly grinds to a squabbling halt threatening a $1,000-tax increase for workers and the evaporation of unemployment benefits for those out of work. Merry freaking Christmas, American people! Published December 20, 2011

HURT: Grinch Occupiers provide holiday jeer

Nothing says "Morning in America" like a $10,000 bet over an obscure line in a book that nobody has read. And who, in these boom times, doesn't have 10 grand to move around the table in a little clubhouse one-upsmanship? Published December 13, 2011

HURT: Newt vs. Mitt is a study in contrasts

Mitt Romney is an Olympic preparer. He prepares for everything. Every possible eventuality is treated by him as if it were a strand of hair on his meticulously-coiffed head, placed just so with the utmost forethought and consideration. Published December 6, 2011

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich speaks Nov. 22, 2011, at a Republican presidential debate in Washington. (Associated Press)

HURT: Gingrich is GOP’s latest not-Romney

Getting Republicans to line up behind Mitt Romney, it turns out, is like trying to stuff a cat into a trash can. No matter how you present the feline to the receptacle, at least one claw always manages to reach out at the last second and cling desperately to the rim. Published November 29, 2011

HURT: Turkey taxpayers never get pardoned

Happy Thanksgiving, America! It's that special time of year when Americans pause to count our many blessings, ponder our faith and reflect upon the awesome sacrifices made by patriots before us to ensure our freedoms. And this year, we are once again reminded that there is no bigger chump in the world than the innocent taxpayer. Published November 22, 2011