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Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas is one of the most widely syndicated political columnists in America. Based in Washington, he is a wide-ranging social commentator, not a "beltway insider," who supports traditional conservative values and the American "can-do spirit." He'll take on virtually any topic, from the decline of the family to growing terrorism worldwide.

A syndicated columnist since 1984, he is the author of “America’s Expiration Date: The Fall of Empires, Superpowers and the United States” (HarperCollins/Zondervan, January 2020). His latest book is “A Watchman in the Night: What I’ve Seen in 50 Years Reporting on America” (Humanix Books, May 2023). Readers may email Mr. Thomas at

Columns by Cal Thomas

Illustration on the continuing social and legal struggle over the definition of marriage by Paul Tong/Tribune Content Agency

THOMAS: The Supreme Court’s nonruling on gay marriage

Three points need to be made about Monday's decision by the Supreme Court not to decide whether the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution grants people of the same sex the right to marry. Published October 8, 2014

Illustration on mistrusting government information on ISIS and Ebola by Hunter/The Washington Times

THOMAS: Hiding the truth about ISIS and Ebola

The Ebola virus is not a threat, but the Islamic State is. That's what some of our leaders tell us. Should we believe them? Do they have a track record for truth-telling that would lend them credibility? Published October 6, 2014

Saved by a bad detonator

Had it not been for a malfunctioning detonator, a plane carrying nearly 300 people on Christmas Day might have exploded. Only the faulty device, along with some fast-acting passengers, prevented a disaster. Published December 29, 2009

Jesus the socialist

Apparently not content with his congressional majority that wishes to force Americans on a long march to health care disaster, President Obama has invoked the name of Jesus to broadcast his gospel of spreading around the wealth. Published December 24, 2009

Stuffing the health care sack

There were two snow jobs in Washington over the weekend. One came from the sky as a record December snowfall blanketed the city. The other came from Capitol Hill where the Senate labored to cover up the real effects of its massive health care "reform" bill. Published December 22, 2009

The perfect gift

Most people who haven't finished (or even begun) their shopping are starting to worry about what gifts to give a friend, relative or spouse. Quick, what did you give or receive last year? How about two years ago? Most of us can't remember, unless it was a big-ticket item. Published December 17, 2009

Loss of a sense of shame

Early in my column-writing career I took note of comments by the singer Madonna. A skin magazine had published nude photos of her, taken when she was a teenager. An interviewer asked if she was ashamed about having posed for them. She threw the question back, saying something like, "What have I got to be ashamed of?" Published December 15, 2009

Creating jobs without really trying

In 1952, Shepherd Mead wrote a little book called "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." In 1961, it became an award-winning Broadway musical. It's an instruction book about how a young man with lots of drive and cunning can rise from the mailroom to the top of the company. One of the songs from the musical, sung by the main character, J. Pierrepont Finch, is "I Believe in You." Finch sings it to a mirror. Published December 10, 2009

The flat-head society

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has taken the route of many who would rather call names than have a serious debate about "climate change." He characterizes those who question "settled science" members of the "flat-earth"society. When people resort to name-calling, it is a sign they have lost an argument. Published December 8, 2009

New face for the GOP

Virginia's governor-elect, Robert F. McDonnell, may be the future of the Republican Party if he can translate his substantial electoral victory into policy victories after his Jan. 16, 2010, inauguration as the state's first Republican governor in eight years. Mr. McDonnell's quiet demeanor is the polar opposite of the tub-thumping, angry conservative that has characterized much of Republican politics for more than 30 years, but he possesses solid convictions on matters of policy. Published December 4, 2009

Forward on Afghanistan

President Obama should be commended for committing 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan to root out al Qaeda and stabilize major portions of the country. I am far less certain about establishing a timetable, though the president did say it depended on conditions on the ground. Published December 3, 2009

Life for children

The U.S. Supreme Court this month heard arguments in a case that could decide whether a child who commits a crime should be sentenced, in some circumstances, to life without parole. Published November 26, 2009

The United Socialist States of America

Not all revolutions begin in the streets with tanks and guns. Some advance slowly, almost imperceptibly, until a nation is transformed and the public realizes too late that their freedoms are gone. Published November 24, 2009

Future of conservatism?

I'm sure I would like Sarah Palin if I got the chance to meet her. We share many things in common. She is still married to her first spouse, as am I. She has a Down syndrome son. I have a brother with Down syndrome. We share the same faith and we both like the outdoors. She is conservative on economic and social issues, and so am I. Published November 19, 2009