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Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas is one of the most widely syndicated political columnists in America. Based in Washington, he is a wide-ranging social commentator, not a "beltway insider," who supports traditional conservative values and the American "can-do spirit." He'll take on virtually any topic, from the decline of the family to growing terrorism worldwide.

A syndicated columnist since 1984, he is the author of “America’s Expiration Date: The Fall of Empires, Superpowers and the United States” (HarperCollins/Zondervan, January 2020). His latest book is “A Watchman in the Night: What I’ve Seen in 50 Years Reporting on America” (Humanix Books, May 2023). Readers may email Mr. Thomas at

Columns by Cal Thomas

THOMAS: The ultimate gift — faith

Examples of faith abound at this time of year. There is the faith children put in Santa Claus to bring them stuff that magically no one seems to have paid for. Call it a "bailout" for kids. Published December 24, 2008

THOMAS: Sweet Caroline

Like many Americans my age, I first "met" Caroline when she was a child. The image of her in those black-and-white photos holding her father's hand and riding her pony remain indelible. Published December 19, 2008

THOMAS: Santa Claus government

Most children have probably finished their Christmas lists to Santa Claus. Some elected officials, however, are still compiling theirs. Published December 17, 2008

THOMAS: Think and act globally?

For years I have received letters written as elegantly as ransom notes, advising me of certain worldwide conspiracies. Sometimes the writing instrument of choice has been a crayon. Published December 12, 2008

THOMAS: O.J. justice

the administering of deserved punishment or reward." - Published December 10, 2008

THOMAS: Whatever happened to optimism?

During the Great Depression and World War II, truly challenging times, there were songs that boosted the spirits of our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. "There'll Be Bluebirds Over the White Cliffs of Dover" was one; "Look for the Silver Lining," was another. Published December 5, 2008

THOMAS: Mumbai explained

Looking at the faces of two young men who were among the purveyors of death at Mumbai, India's Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels, Chhattrapati Shivaji Terminus station and Leopold's restaurant, makes Westerners recoil, and not just in horror. We also question how anyone could be so insensitive to the value of human life. Published December 3, 2008

THOMAS: Mission accomplished II

Nineteen months after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared the war in Iraq "lost" and just nine months after Speaker Nancy Pelosi asserted the war has been a "failure" because it had not brought political change leading to reconciliation, it can now be said conclusively that both were wrong. Published November 26, 2008

THOMAS: Another deficit

While Congress spends -- and plans to spend -- like the proverbial drunken sailor to "bail out" various industries for practices that are largely their fault and the fault of those in Congress who were supposed to provide oversight, another deficit looms which is at least as troubling as the economic one. Published November 21, 2008

THOMAS: The age of corporate greed

In an age when "big business" and "corporate greed" seem to be synonymous in the public mind, some bright lights occasionally emerge from the darkness brought on by AIG big spenders and over-the-top high-livers. Published November 19, 2008

THOMAS: Presidential school choice

President-elect Obama and his wife Michelle came to town and did what people with young children usually do before moving. They looked at their new house and then Mrs. Obama checked out the school choices for their two young daughters. Published November 14, 2008

THOMAS: Washington’s fiscal breakdown

Remember when Democrats lamented the growing budget deficit and spoke of the burden our children and grandchildren would face if we didn't put our fiscal house in order? That was when Republicans ran the federal government and Democrats opposed tax cuts. Published November 12, 2008

THOMAS: Religious right requiem

When Barack Obama takes the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2009, he will do so in the 30th anniversary year of the founding of the so-called religious right. Born in 1979 and midwifed by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, the religious right was a reincarnation of previous religious-social movements that sought moral improvement through legislation and court rulings. Those earlier movements - from abolition (successful) to Prohibition (unsuccessful) - had mixed results. Published November 7, 2008

THOMAS: Media meltdown

More than the economy has melted down. What remains of big media credibility has also liquefied and won't recover anytime soon, if it ever does. Published November 5, 2008

THOMAS: Obama’s smoking audio

The October surprise may turn out to be a seven-year-old interview with Barack Obama in which he strongly suggests that the U.S. Constitution is an impediment to his desire to redistribute the nation's wealth. How does Mr. Obama credibly take the oath of office to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" when he thinks it impedes his socialist agenda? Published October 31, 2008

THOMAS: Alan Greenspan: Never mind

Fans of the original cast of "Saturday Night Live," will recall Emily Litella, a character played by the late Gilda Radner on the "Weekend Update" segment, hosted by Chevy Chase. Published October 29, 2008

THOMAS: Joe Biden’s gift

Just like that, Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden has given voters the single reason why they should not elect Barack Obama president of the United States. Published October 24, 2008

THOMAS: Government can’t do it all

People who put faith in government to solve national or even individual problems are headed for deep disappointment, if it hasn't already arrived. Still, that doesn't stop politicians from attempting to sell political snake oil to the gullible. No one ever lost money betting on the ignorance of the uninformed masses. Published October 22, 2008

THOMAS: Blaming Israel, again

Just as the Obama campaign seemed to be making progress in tamping down rumors about his alleged Muslim background and that he might be a "Manchurian candidate" for the Arab-Islamic world, up steps the Rev. Jesse Jackson to upset the falafel cart. Published October 17, 2008