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Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas is one of the most widely syndicated political columnists in America. Based in Washington, he is a wide-ranging social commentator, not a "beltway insider," who supports traditional conservative values and the American "can-do spirit." He'll take on virtually any topic, from the decline of the family to growing terrorism worldwide.

A syndicated columnist since 1984, he is the author of “America’s Expiration Date: The Fall of Empires, Superpowers and the United States” (HarperCollins/Zondervan, January 2020). His latest book is “A Watchman in the Night: What I’ve Seen in 50 Years Reporting on America” (Humanix Books, May 2023). Readers may email Mr. Thomas at

Columns by Cal Thomas

The Broken Record that is The New York Times Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

CAL THOMAS: Taking stock of big media

Taking stock is a tradition observed by Jews at Yom Kippur and others who examine their lives at the end of a year and vow to improve in the new year. Published December 30, 2015

CAL THOMAS: The sum of all fears

President Obama and members of his administration assure us we have nothing to fear when it comes to terrorism. Whether you accept this or not -- and opinion polls show a majority do not -- there is another fear that in large part is behind the phenomenon known as Donald Trump. It is the fear we are in danger of losing America. Published December 28, 2015

CAL THOMAS: No peace or goodwill

Not for a long time has the world seemed so removed from the angelic proclamation of 2,000 years ago: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:14). Published December 23, 2015

Illustration on a composite presidential candidate         The Washington Times

CAL THOMAS: GOP debate No. 5, and counting

Each of the Republican presidential candidates brings something good to the race for the GOP nomination and some things not so good. In the fifth and final GOP debate of the year, the candidates on the main stage, and even a few on the "undercard," presented ideas and positions that many Republican voters would consider far better than those of the president we have now. Published December 16, 2015

CAL THOMAS: The hot air pollutes Paris

If representatives of the nearly 200 nations gathered in Paris for the U.N. Conference on Climate Change had instead formed a coalition to fight a real threat — Islamic terrorism — they might have accomplished something useful. Instead, what they came up with is a document that even Secretary of State John Kerry, in a rare moment of candor, confessed is pointless. Published December 14, 2015

The Islamification of Germany Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

CAL THOMAS: Angela Merkel denial over impact of immigration

In an ironic twist, Germany, which in the last century twice invaded other countries, contributing to two world wars, is now being invaded by hordes of Muslims. According to Pew Research Center, there are 4,760,000 Muslims in Germany, about 5.8 percent of its population, and that number is steadily growing. Published November 30, 2015

Syrian 'Tourist' Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

CAL THOMAS: Terrorists as ‘tourists’

President Obama has put a new twist on the Islamic invasion now taking place across Europe and the United States. Speaking to reporters last week during his visit to the Philippines, the president compared Syrian refugees to "tourists," saying they are no bigger a threat than people who come to sightsee and visit attractions. Published November 23, 2015

Illustration on the current spate of college protests by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

CAL THOMAS: The race to riot on college campuses

College campuses are again in turmoil. According to The New York Times, "Racist, sexist and anti-Semitic incidents on and near college campuses from Dartmouth to Wisconsin to Stanford this fall have provoked worries by education and civil rights leaders that such acts are on the increase." Published November 18, 2015

Illustration on the lack of direction in the West in the face of Islamic extremism by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

CAL THOMAS: Massacre in Paris

Just hours before the terrorist attacks in Paris last week, for which ISIS has claimed responsibility, "Good Morning America" broadcast an interview with President Obama. In it, the president told host George Stephanopoulos, "I don't think they're gaining strength. Published November 16, 2015

Obama Rejects Keystone Pipeline Project Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

CAL THOMAS: Keystone kaput for now

President Obama's unilateral rejection of the proposed KeystoneXL oil pipeline that would have brought petroleum and jobs to the United States is another in a long list of issues dominated by politics rather than common sense, economics and science. Published November 9, 2015

Illustration on the direction of the House of Representatives by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

CAL THOMAS: Paul Ryan needs to show American GOP alternative

It was George H.W. Bush who reportedly dismissed an idea from a friend that he should spend time at Camp David thinking about what he might do should he become president. According to a Jan. 26, 1987 article in Time magazine, Mr. Bush is said to have dismissed the suggestion with this line: "Oh, the vision thing." Published November 4, 2015

Bob Beckel (Associated Press) ** FILE **

CAL THOMAS: Bob Beckel should be dead

In Washington, most stories that make the newspapers and evening newscasts are about scandals and political infighting. Rarely is there one about redemption. Published November 2, 2015

Illustration on recent California laws on euthanasia and abortion by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

CAL THOMAS: California makes abortion easier, life harder

Shortly after signing a bill allowing assisted suicide in California, Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed another measure that forces pregnancy crisis centers to "offer information about affordable contraception, abortion and prenatal care." Published October 28, 2015