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Andrew P. Napolitano

Andrew P. Napolitano

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is an analyst for the Fox News Channel. He has written seven books on the U.S. Constitution.

Articles by Andrew P. Napolitano

Illustration on French "free speech" by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: French government decides what speech is free

The photos of 40 of the world's government leaders marching arm-in-arm along a Paris boulevard on Sunday with the president of the United States not among them was a provocative image that has fomented much debate. The march was, of course, in direct response to the murderous attacks on workers at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo by a pair of brothers named Kouachi, and on shoppers at a Paris kosher supermarket by one of the brothers' comrades. Published January 14, 2015

Jailed Snake — Liberties Lost Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: U.S. government stealing Americans’ freedom

A British author, residing in the United States for the past 30 years, created a small firestorm earlier this week with his candid observations that modern-day Americans have been duped by the government into accepting a European-style march toward socialism because we fail to appreciate the rich legacy of personal liberty that is everyone's birthright and is expressly articulated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Published January 7, 2015

Illustration on Congress' continuing resolution provisions eroding Constitutional liberties by Alexandr Hunter/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Obama, Congress defy Constitution with budget bribery, breaches of power

When the government is waving at us with its right hand, so to speak, it is the government's left hand that we should be watching. Just as a magician draws your attention to what he wants you to see so you will not observe how his trick is performed, last week presented a textbook example of public disputes masking hidden deceptions. Here is what happened. Published December 17, 2014

Illustration on the moral and legal issues of CIA "torture" by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: The CIA and its torturers

When the head of the CIA's torture unit decided to destroy videotapes of his team's horrific work, he unwittingly set in motion a series of events that led to the release this week of the most massive, detailed documentation of unlawful behavior by high-ranking government officials and intentional infliction of pain on noncombatants by the United States government since the Civil War era. Here is the backstory. Published December 10, 2014

Illustration on issues raised by Ferguson by Paul Tong/Tribune Content Agency

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Ferguson riots failures of racial sensitivity, police militarization

The city of Ferguson, Missouri, is now burned into our consciousness in a way that few other places are. In my youth, the race riots in Newark, Detroit and Los Angeles marked turning points in my own and in the public's awareness of the problems of a black underclass that perceives itself as being so unfairly governed by a white power structure that it resorts to violence. Published December 3, 2014

illustration on the values of life and government by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Give thanks to God, not to government

What if the government is designed to perpetuate itself? What if the real levers of governmental power are pulled by agents, diplomats and bureaucrats behind the scenes? What if they stay in power no matter who is elected president or which major political party controls Congress? Published November 26, 2014

Liberties Lost Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO: The presumption of liberty

In the years following the adoption of the Constitution, before he was secretary of state under President Thomas Jefferson and then president himself, James Madison, who wrote the Constitution, was a member of the House of Representatives. Published October 29, 2014

President Obama stands with former President George W. Bush at the dedication of the George W. Bush presidential library on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas on April 25, 2013. (Associated Press) **FILE**

NAPOLITANO: Parallel reconstruction, an edifice of lies at NSA and DOJ

While the political commentators in the nation's capital are wrapped up in the debate over what to do about the Islamic State … the president's spies continue to capture massive amounts of personal information about hundreds of millions of us and lie about it. Published October 8, 2014

James Clapper          T.J. Kirkpatrick/The Washington Times

NAPOLITANO: Throwing Clapper under the bus

When President Obama attributed the rise in Iraq of the Islamic State, or ISIS, to the failures of the U.S. intelligence community earlier this week, naming and blaming directly National Intelligence Director James R. Clapper, he was attempting to deflect criticism of his own incompetence. Published October 1, 2014

Illustration on the dangers of renewed involvement in Iraq by Kevin Kreneck/Tribune Content Agency

NAPOLITANO: Mistakes of the past are back in Iraq and Syria

What if the American invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction? What if whatever weapons of mass destruction Saddam Hussein once had were sold to him in the 1980s by American arms dealers with the express permission of the U.S. government? Published September 24, 2014

Illustration on Congress' authority to make war     The Washington Times

NAPOLITANO: When America wages war

Chief among those restraints, in Madison's view, was the delegation to Congress, and not to the president, of the power to wage war. Published September 10, 2014

Illustration on the 1984 society     The Washington Times

NAPOLITANO: An unhappy summer for liberty

At the root of the chaos in the Middle East and here at home are governments that respect no limits on their exercise of power. Published September 3, 2014