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Andrew P. Napolitano

Andrew P. Napolitano

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is an analyst for the Fox News Channel. He has written seven books on the U.S. Constitution.

Articles by Andrew P. Napolitano

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Hillary Clinton’s FBI troubles

The FBI investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's failure to protect state secrets contained in her emails has entered its penultimate phase, and it is a dangerous one for her and her aides. Published March 30, 2016

Illustration on what should happen with Hillary Clinton by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Hillary Clinton’s false hopes

Surely, Hillary Clinton hopes for a happy conclusion to the maddening string of primaries and caucuses that have exhausted her. Surely, she hopes to be the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party this year. And surely, she hopes to be elected president. These hopes are realistic probabilities in her own mind. Published March 2, 2016

Oppressive Government Holds the Key Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Apple’s involuntary servitude

"There is nothing new in the realization that the Constitution sometimes insulates the criminality of a few in order to protect the privacy of us all." -- Justice Antonin Scalia (1936-2016) Published February 24, 2016

Illustration on the real agenda of both parties by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Many candidates, but no choices

What if all the remaining presidential candidates really want the same things? What if they all offer essentially the same ideas couched in different words? What if these primary races have become beauty pageants largely based on personality and advertising? Published February 10, 2016

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally at Abraham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Hillary Clinton compromising national security

This has not been a good week for Hillary Clinton. She prevailed over Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Iowa Democratic presidential caucuses by less than four-tenths of 1 percent of all votes cast, after having led him in polls in Iowa at one time by 40 percentage points. Published February 3, 2016

The Fetus as an Official Person Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: The abiding abortion controversy

In one week during January 1973, President Richard M. Nixon was inaugurated to his second term, former President Lyndon B. Johnson died, the United States and North Vietnam entered into the Paris Peace Accords, and the Supreme Court legalized abortion. Only the last of these events continues to affect and haunt the moral and constitutional order every minute of every day. Published January 20, 2016

The Clinton Smoking Guns Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Hillary Clinton’s legal problems

The federal criminal investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's failure to secure state secrets was ratcheted up earlier this week, and at the same time, the existence of a parallel criminal investigation of another aspect of her behavior was made known. This is the second publicly revealed expansion of the FBI's investigations in two months. Published January 13, 2016

Paying Debts with Borrowed Dollars Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO: America at Christmas

As if to promise a Christmas present, Congress has just finished approving the finances of the federal government for the next few months. Santa Claus would have done a better job. During early 2016, Congress will pay the government's bills by borrowing money from individual and institutional lenders. Those folks will lend the feds all the money the feds need because the law requires the feds to pay them back. Published December 23, 2015

Hillary's Halo Turning to Horns Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Secrets of the Hillary Clinton chronicles

While the country has been fixated on Donald Trump's tormenting his Republican primary opponents and deeply concerned about the government's efforts to identify any confederates in the San Bernardino killings, a team of federal prosecutors and FBI agents continues to examine Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state in order to determine whether she committed any crimes and, if so, whether there is sufficient evidence to prove her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Published December 16, 2015

Illustration on the sacrifice of liberty in the name of security by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Warrantless searches hallmark of totalitarianism

In an effort to draw attention away from the intelligence failures that permitted the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and create the impression that it was doing something -- anything -- to avoid a repeat, the federal government tampered seriously with freedoms expressly guaranteed in the Constitution. Its principal target was the right to privacy, which is protected in the Fourth Amendment. Published December 2, 2015

Illustration on the emergence of a tyrannical government by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: What to be thankful for?

What if the government's goal is to perpetuate itself? What if the real levers of governmental power are pulled by agents, diplomats and bureaucrats behind the scenes? What if they stay in power no matter who is elected president or which political party controls Congress? Published November 25, 2015

Illustration on trading liberty for security by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: More government surveillance produces false sense of security

The tragedy in Paris last Friday has regrettably been employed as a catalyst for renewed calls by governments in western Europe and even in the United States for more curtailment of personal liberties. Those who accept the trade of liberty for safety have argued in favor of less liberty. Published November 18, 2015