Vladimir Putin: Panama Papers a U.S. effort to destabilize Russia By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times Shares
L. TODD WOOD: Putin follows an old playbook with new Guard By L. Todd Wood - The Washington Times Shares
Vladimir Putin, Patriarch Kirill alliance puts atheists at risk in Russia By Marc Bennetts - Special to The Washington Times Shares
NORTH KOREA NUCLEAR THREAT: In Putin’s chess game with the West, North Korea is a pawn By L. Todd Wood Shares
Putin’s Russian air force bombing Islamic State effectively, Pentagon concedes By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times Shares
Vladimir Putin says public supports using ‘repressive measures’ By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times Shares
Israeli defense chief Ya’alon: Obama nuclear deal allows Iran to dominate region By Guy Taylor - The Washington Times Shares
Putin orders surprise start of Russian military withdrawal from Syria By David R. Sands - The Washington Times Shares
L. TODD WOOD: Why Putin orders substantial Russian military withdrawal from Syria By L. Todd Wood Shares
Russia dropping ‘dumb’ bombs in Syria, indiscriminately killing rebels and civilians alike By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times Shares
Jeb Bush says Donald Trump seems more fond of Vladimir Putin than of George W. Bush By Tom Howell Jr. - The Washington Times Shares