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On a spring horseback tour of the Gettysburg battlefield, the Nussbaumfamily visits the Henry Spangler Farm, which served as a field hospital during and after the July 1-3, 1863, battle. From the left are father Rob; Madigan, 9; mother Nancy; and Nicole, 14. Riding horseback brings tourists closer to the troops' vantage. (Associated Press)



British Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife, Samantha, drove away from a pub in separate cars, each thinking their 8-year-old daughter Nancy was riding with the other. The girl had gone to the bathroom and was still in the pub. (Associated Press)



Dean West and his wife, Nancy, show off the 1974 Volkswagen Super Beetle he has converted to run on all-electrical power in the garage of his home in Milton, Wash. Electric-car advocates say the state of Washington risks alienating Mr. West and others like him with proposed legislation that would impose a $100 annual fee on electric cars to make up for lost gas-tax revenue. (Associated Press)



Ronald Reagan, with wife Nancy and brother Neil, holds a gold key to his boyhood home in Dixon, Ill., on Feb. 6, 1984. The home, preserved by a nonprofit foundation, is the most likely candidate for purchase by the National Park Service. (Associated Press)



Ronald Reagan, attended by his wife, Nancy, is sworn in as the 40th president of the United States on Jan. 20, 1981, with a vow to ferret out waste and mismanagement in the federal government. (AP Photo)