FBI missed Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s Russia trip because of misspelling, Sen. Lindsey Graham says By Susan Crabtree - The Washington Times Shares
Terrorism on U.S. soil: By criminal or enemy combatant? By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times Shares
Republicans want Boston bombing suspect treated as enemy combatant, sparking Miranda debate By Susan Crabtree - The Washington Times Shares
McCain to Obama: Follow through on threats to Syria’s Assad By Susan Crabtree - The Washington Times Shares
Rand Paul’s filibuster highlights split in GOP ranks; defense hawks not amused By Seth McLaughlin - The Washington Times Shares
Senate wrangles with range of gun proposals; checking buyers is a sticking point By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
Senators use CIA vote for leverage to get 10 answers on Benghazi attack By Shaun Waterman - The Washington Times Shares
McConnell and Boehner: Republicans united on sequesters By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times Shares
Both sides stand ground in gun-control battle as Newtown dad begs for action By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
PRUDEN: At the Hagel hearing, a march up the hill and down again By Wesley Pruden - The Washington Times Shares
Chuck Hagel’s critics say defense nominee will be confirmed By David Eldridge - The Washington Times Shares
Obama made no phone calls on night of Benghazi attack, White House says By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times Shares