James Comey, FBI chief: Dylann Roof shouldn’t have been able to buy gun By Eric Tucker - Associated Press Shares
FBI arrests several in connection with July Fourth plots By Maggie Ybarra - The Washington Times Shares
James Comey, FBI chief, says his own info was hacked in OPM breach; it was ‘enormous’ By Maggie Ybarra - The Washington Times Shares
James Comey, FBI director: Encryption technology fosters furtive terrorist talks By Maggie Ybarra - The Washington Times Shares
FBI pushes to weaken cell phone security, skirt encryption By Maggie Ybarra - The Washington Times Shares
Islamic State could soon execute 9/11-scale attack in U.S.; FBI warns local cops By Maggie Ybarra - The Washington Times Shares
SUZANNE FIELDS: FBI uses Holocaust to understand evil within ‘good people,’ appreciate America By Suzanne Fields Shares
James Comey’s comments about Holocaust draw angry response from Poland By Maggie Ybarra - The Washington Times Shares
James Comey, FBI director: I require every new special agent to go to the Holocaust Museum By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
Tsarnaev Boston Marathon bombing trial spotlights challenge of stopping ‘lone-wolf’ terrorists By Maggie Ybarra - The Washington Times Shares
Intel community wary of Islamic State influence on U.S. citizens By Maggie Ybarra - The Washington Times Shares
James Comey, FBI director: Don’t scapegoat all police when wider race problems exist By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times Shares
Eric Holder says Justice Dept. must combat human trafficking better By Phillip Swarts - The Washington Times Shares
James Comey: Sony hackers mistakenly revealed North Korean Internet addresses By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times Shares
FBI director warned of home-grown extremists days prior to Australia siege By Phillip Swarts - The Washington Times Shares
FBI chief says no indication of increased terror threat over holidays By Phillip Swarts - The Washington Times Shares
James Comey refuses to say ‘never’ again to FBI media impersonation By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times Shares
FBI: 150 Americans suspected of fighting in Syria with Islamic State By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times Shares