Obama passes baton to Hillary Clinton in speech to DNC By Dave Boyer and Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times Shares
Hillary Clinton yet to make good on promise to go carbon-neutral By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times Shares
Nancy Pelosi: Hillary Clinton struggles with white men because of ‘God,’ ‘guns,’ and ‘gays’ By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times Shares
Obama DNC speech: Hillary Clinton ‘keeps her cool,’ never quits By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times Shares
Hillary Clinton’s outreach falls short for one transgender delegate By S.A. Miller - The Washington Times Shares
Rush Limbaugh after Bill Clinton speech: ‘Why would he ever cheat on such a wonderful woman?’ By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times Shares
Rudy Giuliani: Hackers could release Hillary Clinton emails before election or extort, threaten her By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
Donald Trump: I hope hackers got Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails By Seth McLaughlin - The Washington Times Shares
Not even the press believe Hillary Clinton’s promises — but they’re letting her get away with it By Kelly Riddell - The Washington Times Shares
Terry McAuliffe: Hillary Clinton ‘will not change’ on Trans-Pacific Partnership By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
Paul Manafort dismisses notion that Donald Trump has financial ties to Russia By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
Obama says GOP ‘not fair’ to Hillary Clinton on email scandal By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times Shares
Donald Trump: ‘Just like I have warned,’ Hillary Clinton will ‘betray you’ on TPP By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
Bill Clinton: Hillary ‘best darn change-maker I ever met’ By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times Shares