Dalai Lama’s ‘favorite’ prayer reaches few in U.S. Senate By Jacqueline Klimas - The Washington Times Shares
CPAC 2014: McConnell promises ‘I won’t let you down’ if Senate flips Republican By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
Unemployment insurance vote could happen next week By Jacqueline Klimas - The Washington Times Shares
Reid hits Koch Brothers for putting money in politics with incendiary speech By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times Shares
MILLER: NRA to score Senate vote on Obama’s nominee for surgeon general, Vivec Murthy By Emily Miller - The Washington Times Shares
Harry Reid hammered for labeling Obamacare horror tales as untrue By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times Shares
Democrats seek to avoid Iran sanctions vote embarrassment By Jacqueline Klimas - The Washington Times Shares
House Dems to push ahead on minimum wage as Reid delays Senate vote By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares