CPAC 2014: Democrats target convention as part of midterm-election strategy By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times Shares
To distance themselves from Obama, 2016 Democrats will move to the left By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times Shares
Parker Griffith Democrat again, runs for governor By KIM CHANDLER and PHILLIP RAWLS - Associated Press Shares
Former Miss America Erika Harold joins Congressional race in Illinois By Alex Swoyer The Washington Times - The Washington Times Shares
Unabashed liberal Bill de Blasio may put target on Democrats By Seth McLaughlin - The Washington Times Shares
Jindal v. Obama: The new school choice battle; La. voucher fight revives reform led by conservatives By Ralph Z. Hallow - The Washington Times Shares
Virginia Democrats fight purge of voter rolls ordered weeks before election By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times Shares
Sex, money and lies: ‘Culture of Corruption’ boomerangs on Democrats as scandals blossom nationwide By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times Shares