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Illustration on media protection of Biden and the Democrats by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

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2023-05-26 - Biden Reelection - 01 - 1600x900.png

President Biden has a steep hill to climb in the 2024 presidential race with a solid majority of voters saying they are not enthused about him winning another four-year term.

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President Biden has a steep hill to climb in the 2024 presidential race with a solid majority of voters saying they are not enthused about him winning another four-year term.

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Illustration on Biden's 'Woke" armed forces by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

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Illustration on President Biden's America by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times



Biden’s ‘socialist-style’ mortgage fees hit buyers with higher credit scores, GOP lawmakers charge



Brook Taube on Biden’s Crypto Tax: It Misses the Point (sponsored) (Source: Brook Taube)



Illustration on Biden's Howard University commencement address by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times



Biden is not too old ... (Illustration by Gary Varvel for Creators Syndicate)

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Illustration on Biden's open-border policy and illegal immigration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times



Illustration on Joe and Hunter Biden by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

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Illustration on Biden's protected from rival Democrats by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

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Illustration on Biden and junk science by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times



The poll found that 69% of likely U.S. voters think accusations of foreign influence peddling by Biden and his family are a “serious scandal” — including 52% who say it’s a “very serious scandal.”



The poll found that 69% of likely U.S. voters think accusations of foreign influence peddling by Biden and his family are a “serious scandal” — including 52% who say it’s a “very serious scandal.”

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World leaders are being banished to the less-than-dignified White House driveway to engage reporters because President Biden has abandoned the decades-old tradition of holding joint press conferences when heads of foreign governments visit, which critics say undermines U.S. relations around the globe.

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Biden freezes out visiting world leaders; traditional appearances to create goodwill come to end



Biden's All-Electric Military (Illustration by Gary Varvel for Creators Syndicate)

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Biden faces significant hurdles as he launches 2024 bid, survey shows



Biden seeks to turn entirety of homes green; manufacturers of appliances warn of lower performance