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A Bahraini woman wears a Bahraini flag Monday, Feb. 14, 2011, during an anti-government demonstration in the village of Duraz, Bahrain, outside the capital of Manama. (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali)

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Bahraini demonstrators run from tear gas on Monday as riot police disperse a protest in the village of Duraz, Bahrain, outside the capital of Manama. Demonstrations broke out nationwide in response to calls on social media sites for major anti-government protests and were dispersed by riot police firing tear gas and chasing demonstrators. (Associated Press)



A Bahraini is wounded by birdshot after riot police open fire on a demonstration in Karzakan, Bahrain.

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Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, right, talks with Vice Adm. Mark Fox, commander of U.S. naval forces Central Command, following a press conference at the U.S. military base in Manama, Bahrain, Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010. (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali)



A woman shows support of rights activist Abdel-Jalil Singace outside the courthouse in Manama, where the trial opened for him and two dozen others accused of plotting against Bahrain's rulers. (Associated Press)



Sheik Ali Salman, leader of the opposition Al-Wefaq bloc, speaks to reporters Sunday in Manama, Bahrain. (Associated Press)



**FILE** Houda Nonoo, ambassador of Bahrain to the United States (Associated Press/HO)

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Illustration: Bahrain



'FREE THE INNOCENT PEOPLE': A child passes by posters of detainees hanging on a wall in a village in Malkiya, Bahrain. Graffiti calls for their release. (Associated Press)



Well-wishers and male relatives of Bahrainis rounded up in a crackdown on Shiite Muslim activists gather for a sit-in in a private home in the village of Nuweidrat, Bahrain, on Tuesday. More than 250 Shiites have been detained since last month, and 23 political activists and others have been accused of plotting to overthrow the government. The banner shows some of the more prominent prisoners and reads, "Sit-in in support of families of the prisoners." (Associated Press)



"American Muslims have the right to practice their religion in accordance with the Constitution of the United States," Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf said in an interview with Bahrain's Al Wasat newspaper. (Associated Press)

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Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, left, executive director of the Cordoba Initiative, greets an unidentified worshiper inside a Muharraq, Bahrain, mosque after leading midday prayers Friday, Aug. 20, 2010. Imam Rauf, who is leading plans for an Islamic center near the site of the Sept. 11 attacks on New York, is on a U.S.-funded outreach tour to Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to talk about religious tolerance in America. (AP Photo/Hasan Jamali)



** FILE ** U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton meets with Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa on the sidelines of the Egypt-hosted international conference on rebuilding Gaza, in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt, in March 2009. (AP Photo/U.S. Embassy in Egypt, Sameh Refaat)