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Tom Basile

Tom Basile

Tom Basile is the host of "America Right Now" on Newsmax Television. Throughout his decades in government, politics, media and business he’s earned a reputation for credibility, candor and common sense conservatism. During this career his columns have been published in a range of outlets including Forbes and Fox News. He previously hosted "Sunday in America" for SiriusXM Radio. Basile served in the administration of President George W. Bush in various capacities including as an advisor to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad for which he received the Joint Civilian Service Commendation from the Department of Defense. He is the author of the critically-acclaimed "Tough Sell: Fighting the Media War in Iraq" as well as "Let it Sink In: The Decade of Obama and Trump." He served as Executive Director of the New York State Republican Party from 2009-2011 and is a veteran of local, state and national campaigns.

Basile is a member of the New York Bar and an Advisory Board Member of the Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs at Hofstra University. He is a Knight Commander with Star in the Roman Catholic Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and is a member of the Knights of Columbus.  Basile and his family live in Tennessee where he runs a strategic communications firm. Learn more about him at He can be reached at

Columns by Tom Basile

Illustration on Republicans (GOP) losing to Democrats by Greg Groesch/ The Washington Times

GOP continues to bring knives to a gunfight

Republicans and conservatives need to face reality. The left is better at this whole politics thing than they are, and this week Senate Democrats proved it again. Published December 2, 2022

Global Control of U.S. Tax Money for reparations Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Climate cult meets reparations lunacy

Last week the Biden administration did something else they said they'd never do. Our jet-setting climate czar, John Kerry, agreed to create what amounts to a climate reparations fund. Published November 25, 2022

Donald Trump as a target for 2024 illustration by Greg Groesch / The Washington Times

Trump’s incredible shrinking electoral map

He's in. Former President Donald J. Trump is charging ahead with what would arguably be the greatest political comeback in American history. Published November 18, 2022

Illustration on Republican's new "Contract with America" by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

What a real commitment to America looks like

House Republican leaders, who have thrown gasoline on the red wave expectations bonfire for a year, finally unveiled their "Commitment to America" plan last week. Published September 30, 2022

Illegal Immigrant Deaths Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Biden’s immigration body count mounts

If the gold medalists of NIMBYism on Martha's Vineyard have taught us anything in the last week, it's that for them illegal immigration makes for a great conversation at a cocktail party. Published September 23, 2022

Biden Preaching Hate Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Biden’s fuzzy math fuels racial division

The Biden administration's race war continued this week with the president's "United We Stand" summit to expose the supposed widespread threat of violent extremism and White supremacy in America. Published September 16, 2022

Restoring Dignity of Work Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Restoring dignity of work in America

There is dignity in work. It is essential to human flourishing and critical to the fulfillment of the American experience. Published September 2, 2022

Liz Cheney and Trump Trap Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Liz Cheney’s Trump trap

Supporters of former President Donald Trump were understandably elated to see Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney go down in flames in her primary this week. Published August 19, 2022