Stephen Moore
Columns by Stephen Moore
Obamacare’s implosion
By now everyone knows that Obamacare is officially the public policy flop of this generation. With the latest news of premium increases of 22 percent, insurance companies dropping out, dwindling competition, and rising costs to taxpayers, this is truly the Hindenburg of health plans. Published October 30, 2016
Hillary Clinton, the hypocrite
In the modern history of American politics has there ever been a bigger hypocrite than Hillary Clinton? Her 30 years in politics has taught us clearly that Hillary lives by one set of rules and wants to impose different rules for everyone else. Published October 23, 2016
Donald Trump still has support
I have been asked a dozen times by news reporters over the last week: Do you still support Donald Trump? The elites at The New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN would love to be able to add me and dozens more to the list of Republicans who have publicly denounced the Trump-Pence ticket. Published October 16, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s solar energy baloney
One of Hillary Clinton's wackier ideas is to build half a billion solar panels -- at taxpayer expense. It would be one of the largest corporate welfare giveaways in American history. The Institute for Energy Research (IER) estimates that the cost of the plan will reach $205 billion. Published October 9, 2016
How Hillary Clinton plays the class warfare card
Hillary Clinton keeps bashing the Trump tax plan as "Trumped up trickle down economics." This class warfare card has become the standard and tired response to every Republican tax plan reform for 30 years. No wonder we haven't cleaned out the stables of the tax code since the Reagan era. Democrats have no interest. Published October 2, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s tax plan will fail because Americans don’t buy politics of greed, envy
Greed: A selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed. A continual lust for more. Published September 25, 2016
Census report an indictment of Obama, George W. Bush
While touting the new Census report on income and poverty in America, Barack Obama took credit for $2 a gallon gasoline, and immodestly shouted to his crowd of supporters: "Thank you, Obama." Published September 18, 2016
How Hillary Clinton’s economic plan won’t work
What makes America an economically ingenious place is the competitive federalism model set forth by our Founding Fathers. They established our nation as the world's largest ever free trade zone in which 50 states competing for jobs and people with varying economic and fiscal policies. Published September 11, 2016
The death tax is the unfairest tax of all
It was in 1916 -- 100 years ago this year -- that America made a big, big mistake that has done significant damage to our economy and the fairness of our tax system for an entire century. We are talking about the estate tax, more popularly known as the death tax. Published September 4, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s faulty economic plan
One of the dumbest statements in modern times was Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's declaration that "the best way to stimulate the economy" is through food stamps and unemployment insurance. Published August 28, 2016
What Republican turncoats forget
I asked a successful businessman the other day what he thought about Donald Trump. He turned his thumb down. Wow. Are you going to vote for Hillary? I asked with trepidation. "Of course not," he replied almost insulted by the question. "I understand the concept of a binary decision." Published August 21, 2016
Hillary Clinton has no home base of support
She's a real nowhere girl. Sitting in her nowhere world. Making all her nowhere plans for nobody. Published August 14, 2016
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton wrong on infrastructure spending increase
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump don't agree on much of anything, but there is one area where they have a meeting of the minds: they both want to spend way more on public works programs. Hillary Clinton says that her primary jobs stimulus will be a massive $275 billion-plus infrastructure spending binge. Published August 7, 2016
Welfare is the new work
Two recent news stories highlight how pernicious the welfare state has become in America today. Published July 31, 2016
Economic growth has stagnated under Obama
This week the Democrats officially coronate the battered Hillary Clinton as the torch bearer for the party. She has slouched to the finish line. She is tired and the country is tired of her. Sorry, Democrats, no do-overs. You're stuck with her. Published July 24, 2016
Congress must keep spending promises
The worst-kept secret in Washington, D.C. is that Congress will once again fail to do its most basic constitutional job and pass legislation to fund the federal government beyond the end of the current fiscal year on September 30. Published July 17, 2016
Happy American Energy Independence Day
Every president since Richard Nixon has promised to make America energy independent, but we still import 9 million barrels of oil a day with much of it coming from the Middle East and OPEC. Now for the first time in a half century -- thanks to the shale oil and gas revolution -- the dream of American energy independence is not just a pipe dream but easily achievable if the next president takes the right steps to make it happen. Published July 3, 2016
Hillary Clinton asks for four more years
"People are working harder and longer just to keep their heads above water. And to deal with the costs, the everyday costs, the costs of basics like childcare and prescription drugs that are too high. College is getting more expensive every day. And wages are still too low and inequality is too great. Good jobs in this country are still too hard to come by." Published June 26, 2016
America’s sluggish economic growth the new normal
Well, it turns out Annie had it wrong. The sun won't come out tomorrow. Published June 19, 2016
Republicans calling Donald Trump racist playing into hands of Democrats
In the last month or so both of the presumptive presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have said stupid and even offensive things. Published June 12, 2016