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Robert Knight

Robert Knight

Robert Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times. He can be reached at

Columns by Robert Knight

Illustration by Alexander Hunter for The Washington Times

KNIGHT: Lying because it works

This year's presidential election will be a contest between truth and lies. Don't think it's that stark? Let's compare how the media handled two incidents. On Feb. 16, philanthropist Foster Friess, a major backer and adviser to Rick Santorum, cracked a joke that became a media sensation. Published February 24, 2012

Illustration by John Camejo for The Washington Times

KNIGHT: Voter fraud in this life and the next

Did you know that according to a new Pew study, more than 1.8 million dead people are registered to vote? And that leading Democrats are fiercely opposing new laws that tighten voting requirements? Published February 17, 2012

Illustration by Alexander Hunter for The Washington Times

KNIGHT: Paper-thin cover for liberal agenda

Although I get a lot of news online, I love to read real newspapers. You can linger forever on a particular page without getting eye strain, or you can physically flip it with gusto to show your contempt for what some editor thought should be holding your interest. Published February 10, 2012

Illustration by John Camejo for The Washington Times

KNIGHT: Keeping marriage real

Maryland's Civil Marriage Protection Act is profoundly misnamed. In fact, it should more accurately be called the Attack on Religious Freedom Enabling Act. Published February 1, 2012

Illustration by Greg Groesch for The Washington Times

KNIGHT: Welfare wars: Anatomy of a smear

When I was a copy editor at the Los Angeles Times, a young reporter submitted an article about a single mother having trouble obtaining government checks. Published January 27, 2012

Former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray has been nominated to head the new Consumer Protection Bureau. But Senate Republicans say he would have too much power. Democrats, for their part, complain of political games being played in the process.

KNIGHT: Obama’s inoperative Constitution

Back in 1973, when the Nixon administration was under fire for Watergate, Press Secretary Ron Ziegler uttered an unforgettable response when caught in a lie during a news conference: "This is the operative statement. The others are inoperative." Published January 6, 2012