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Peter Morici

Peter Morici

Peter Morici is an economist and business professor at the University of Maryland, and a national columnist. He can be reached at

Columns by Peter Morici

Illustration on the impact of Biden's planned spending by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Stagflation will be Biden’s legacy

My inbox is stuffed with articles about the prospects for stagflation, but slow growth and runaway prices are descending on America right now. Published June 7, 2022

Supreme Court nominee Judge Samuel Alito answers a question on the third day of his confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 11, 2006. In one form or another, every Supreme Court nominee is asked during Senate hearings about his or her views of the landmark abortion rights ruling that has stood for a half century. Now, a draft opinion obtained by Politico suggests that a majority of the court is prepared to strike down the Roe v. Wade decision from 1973, leaving it to the states to determine a woman’s ability to get an abortion. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

Alito abortion decision may not be so earth shattering

Much that has been said and screamed from congress and on the streets about Justice Alito's draft opinion striking down the constitutional right to an abortion is either false or misleading. Published May 17, 2022

Humpty Dumpty Powell and Inflation Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Powell should target long rates to fight inflation

The Federal Reserve is about to get some tough lessons in economics -- about inflation, interest rates, overly aggressive environmental policy, labor markets and inequality and stock prices. Published March 1, 2022

Illustration on Republicans (GOP) campaign plans and platform by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

A GOP platform for the midterms

Republicans are in great shape for the midterm elections, but they're quarreling about how to run. Published February 8, 2022