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Michael McKenna

Michael McKenna

Michael McKenna, a columnist for The Washington Times, is the president of MWR Strategies. He was most recently a deputy assistant to the president and deputy director of the Office of Legislative Affairs at the White House. He can be reached at

Columns by Michael McKenna

Illustration on raising the debt ceiling by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Let the incompetent Democrats own the shutdown

Lost in the mess that is the Biden administration and its enablers in Congress is the fact that Congress has yet to pass appropriations for the fiscal year 2022. Published September 6, 2021

Illustration on expensive energy and the negative impact of Green thinking by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Making energy more expensive is regressive and stupid

You may have missed it or more likely not cared about it, but a few days ago, an outfit that calls itself the Climate Leadership Council suspended Exxon, which had been a member in good standing. Published August 11, 2021

Illustration on the infrastructure bill by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Stop the infrastructure bill madness

A few days ago, the Congressional Budget Office was rude enough to release its assessment of the actual cost of the infrastructure legislation being considered by the United States Senate. Published August 6, 2021

Illustration on the infrastructure bill by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

The infrastructure deal stinks like a dead fish

This week, the United States Senate will debate, vote on amendments, and perhaps vote on final passage on "infrastructure" legislation that will spend at least $1.2 trillion of taxpayer money. Published July 30, 2021

Illustration on continued Democratic Party gerrymandering by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Eric Holder and Democrats’ gerrymandering

When it comes to gerrymandering -- the practice of representatives choosing their voters rather than voters choosing their representatives - there's a lot of propaganda out there. Published July 21, 2021

Illustration on constructive efforts in Florida politics by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Florida Republicans lead way out of wilderness

In the wake of last year's election, there was a sense on the right that the Republicans would never win another election and that the nation was doomed to a bleak and ever-deteriorating future. Published July 14, 2021