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Jed Babbin

Jed Babbin

Jed Babbin is a national security and foreign affairs columnist for The Washington Times and contributing editor for The American Spectator.  

Mr. Babbin is a native of New York City. He began his career as an Air Force judge advocate in 1973. He spent almost three decades in the practice of law as well as in positions including deputy undersecretary of defense during the George H. W. Bush administration. 

Mr. Babbin is the author of “In the Words of Our Enemies,” (Regnery 2007), “Inside the Asylum: Why the UN and Old Europe are Worse than You Think,” (Regnery 2004) and “Showdown: Why China Wants War with the United States,” (with Edward Timperlake, Regnery, 2006.) He co-authored The BDS War Against Israel,” (with Herbert London, LCPR, 2014), “The Sunni Vanguard,” (with Herbert London and David Goldman, LCPR 2014) and, “The Encyclopedia of Militant Islam,” (with Bryan Griffin and Herbert London, LCPR 2016). He wrote the military adventure novel, Legacy of Valor. (Pentland Press, 2000). 

Mr. Babbin served as editor of Human Events, the oldest conservative journal in the United States, from 2007-2010. He has also written for The Washington Examiner, The Weekly Standard and National Review Online. 

Mr. Babbin is a graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology (Bachelor of Engineering, 1970), Cumberland School of Law (Juris Doctor, 1973) and the Georgetown University Law School (Master of Laws, 1978).

He can be reached at

Columns by Jed Babbin

Illustration on Biden's actions by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

Biden’s blunders, chapter one

We haven't even reached the two-week mark in Joe Biden's presidency but his serious mistakes in foreign policy and national security are already piling up. Published February 1, 2021

Illustration on Chinese spy infiltration by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

China’s relentless spying on Mr. Swalwell’s neighborhood

CIA veteran Avril Haines is President-elect Joe Biden's choice to be the next director of National Intelligence. If confirmed, she will be confronted with the problems that plague congressional oversight of the intelligence community. Published December 20, 2020

Illustration on Joe Biden and the Iran deal by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

Joe Biden: Iran’s economic savior

No nation will gain more from the apparent election victory of former Vice President Joe Biden than Iran. Its gloating response to that event sounds a lot like a gangster selling "protection." Published November 21, 2020

Illustration on the coming role of America in the world by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Iran, China and North Korea have the most to gain from a Biden presidency

While Americans have much at stake in next week's election, our major foreign adversaries and allies have at least as much. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and the NATO nations anxiously await the result because it will determine how we deal with them in the next four years. Published October 24, 2020

The Wart for Libyan Oil Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Tracking Libya’s ‘splendid little war’

The EU nations are militarily impotent, which makes their intervention in Libya impossible. If they reach a long-term peace agreement, Russia and Turkey will colonize Libya without interference. Published August 28, 2020