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Daniel N. Hoffman

Daniel N. Hoffman

Daniel N. Hoffman is a retired clandestine services officer and former chief of station with the Central Intelligence Agency. His combined 30 years of government service included high-level overseas and domestic positions at the CIA. He has been a Fox News contributor since May 2018. He can be reached at

Columns by Daniel N. Hoffman

Illustration on the Ana Montes case by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

What the Ana Montes espionage case can teach us

Former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst Ana Montes, who was convicted of spying for Cuba in 2002, was released from a Texas federal prison earlier this month. Published January 19, 2023

Illustration on Veterans Day by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

One family’s story of the debts we owe our veterans

In 1918, after the end of World War I, my grandfather, who had served in the Navy, and his brother, who had served in the Army, returned to their hometown of Boston, where they had a tearful reunion. Published November 10, 2022

Inside Vladimir Putin Illustration by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

Despite his delusions, Putin is no Peter the Great

For those who ever had the pleasure of serving in Moscow's "belly of the beast," there must have been little surprise when KGB officer Vladimir Putin emerged from the ash heap of the Soviet Evil Empire as President of Russia in 2000. Published July 14, 2022

Illustration on Jack Barsky aka Albrecht Dittrich by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

Jack Barsky and the Fourth of July

"Jack Barsky" is not his real name. The real Jack Barsky died when he was ten years old. Jack Barsky was a cover legend, which the KGB created to send East German national Albrecht Dittrich to the United States in the late 1970's as a deep undercover spy. Published June 30, 2022

Dad's wisdom on Father's Day illustration by Linas Garsys / The Washington Times

Wisdom from a dad on Father’s Day

Each and every Father's Day, especially since I became the father of two boys of my own, a flood of childhood memories of my late father rushes over me. Published June 16, 2022