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Topic - Homestead

==Property-related==*Homestead (buildings), a single building, or collection of buildings grouped together on a large agricultural holding *Homestead (area), an area measure of 160 acres (650,000 m²) also called a quarter-section (USA)*Homestead (small African settlement), a cluster of several single-family houses in southern Africa*Homestead Act, an 1862 United States federal law that gave millions of acres to farmers*Dominion Lands Act, an 1872 Canadian federal law which presented a Homestead (area) for $10 filing fee and proving the land.*Homestead exemption, (USA) a legal regime to protect the value of a residence from expenses arising from the death of a spouse*Homestead principle, a legal concept that one can establish ownership of unowned property through its use*Homesteading, a lifestyle of agrarian self-sufficiency - Source: Wikipedia

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