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Topic - Global Fund

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (often commonly called "The Global Fund" or "GFATM") was established in January 2002 to dramatically increase global financing for interventions against the two pandemics (malaria is actually endemic). It is the largest international funding agency (it is neither global nor a fund) to combat malaria and tuberculosis, providing two-thirds of all financing, and provides 20% of all international funding to combat HIV/AIDS. The Global Fund Secretariat claims that as of December 2010, developing country projects and programs fully or partly supported by funds channeled through the GFATM have saved 6.5 million lives by providing AIDS treatment for 3 million people, anti-tuberculosis treatment for 7.7 million people and the distribution of 160 million insecticide-treated nets for the prevention of malaria.. Many of these projects and programs also include substantial funding from other agencies like PEPFAR, UNAIDS or other aid funds and agencies. Currently the Global Fund is almost completely funded by contributions from the largest developed nations governments . In 2005 the Global Fund has stopped reporting results of projects - it changed the wording to influenced and programs supported by the GFATM. The Global Fund was created as a project funding agency is still funded as such by yearly contributions of its donors and a 2-3 years time horizon within the grants, but has recently started to expand its scope by Health System Strengthening, simplified renewal of grants and funding beyond the 3 pandemics into a more general program funding agency. - Source: Wikipedia

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