Having faith in Christmas illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times
George W. Bush and Barack Obama at Christmas illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times
Rod Serling and Christmas in 'The Twilight Zone' illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times
Christmas' gifts from Congress and pork spending illustration by Greg Groesch / The Washington Times
Christmas and Jesus Christ illustration by Greg Groesch / The Washington Times
Christmas and Hannukah illustration by Greg Groesch / The Washington Times
Ho, ho, no: Christmas tree prices still up there
Ho, ho, no: Christmas tree prices still up there (horizontal)
Christmas and the Nativity star illustration by Greg Groesch / The Washington Times
Report: Cost of ‘12 Days of Christmas’ gifts rising faster than inflation
Report: Cost of ‘12 Days of Christmas’ gifts rising faster than inflation (horizontal)
Survey finds inflation chilling Christmas shopping plans
Christmas retail sales growth slows even as consumer spending grows
Christmas retail sales growth slows even as consumer spending grows (horizontal)
Meaning of saying 'Merry Christmas' illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times
Truth of the Christmas story illustration by Greg Groesch / The Washington Times
Christmas and the wonders of God's love
Historian William Federer unravels the history of how Christmas was illegal during the settling of America.
Honoring Gold Star families at Christmas illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times
The sadness of Christmas illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times