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Tim Constantine has details on the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, Carly Fiorina's reaction to the push toward gun control, and Princess Leia's take on a Church of England ad banned from Star Wars.



Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said the Church of England has much explaining to do following its failure to vote to allow women to serve as bishops. The vote among lay members on Tuesday fell short of the required two-thirds majority. (Associated Press)

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Dr. Rowan Williams (center), the outgoing Archbishop of Canterbury, speaks Nov. 20, 2012, during a meeting of the General Synod of the Church of England in London, where a vote on whether to give final approval to legislation introducing the first women bishops will take place. (Associated Press)



British Prime Minister David Cameron says the Church of England should lead a revival of traditional Christian values to counter the nation's "slow-motion moral collapse." (Scanpix Sweden via Associated Press)



**FILE** Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams addresses the General Synod of the Church of England, which passed a compromise resolution that recognizes the aim of the Anglican Church in America. (Associated Press)