‘Manhunt,’ about hunt for John Wilkes Booth, may make you wish you paid attention in history class Associated Press Shares
The most overrated and underrated U.S. presidents: Barack Obama, Calvin Coolidge By Stephen Moore Shares
Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving proclamation delivers powerful message to a divided America By Billy Hallowell - The Washington Times Shares
‘A season of forgiveness’: How Abe Lincoln’s son inspired the traditional Thanksgiving turkey pardon By Marissa Mayer – Higher Ground Contributor Shares
‘Reprehensible’ Lincoln’s statue should be removed too, suggested Missouri Republican lawmaker By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times Shares
San Francisco school board suspends plan to rename schools By JOCELYN GECKER - Associated Press Shares
Hal Holbrook, prolific actor who played Mark Twain, dies at 95 By Mark Kennedy - Associated Press Shares