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Peter Morici

Peter Morici

Peter Morici is an economist and business professor at the University of Maryland, and a national columnist. He can be reached at

Columns by Peter Morici

Dollar is strong because America is strong illustration by Gregory Groesch, The Washington Times

Dollar is strong because America is strong

Populists love to rail against globalization for destroying American jobs in once-thriving manufacturing communities. And the strong dollar is a convenient vehicle for former President Donald Trump to animate this frustration. Published August 27, 2024

Billionaires supporting Trump and corporate tax cuts illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Billionaires rushing to support Trump may be disappointed

Billionaires are flocking to support former President Donald Trump's campaign. Perhaps they believe the benefits of lower taxes and less aggressive regulation outweigh his behavioral transgressions. Published July 9, 2024

United States Federal Reserve illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Federal Reserve may have to abandon its 2% inflation target

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has Fed policymakers and America's decision-makers --businesses that set prices and households who choose among goods to purchase and investment options -- focused on how much longer interest rates must be kept elevated to achieve 2% inflation. Published June 18, 2024