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Gene Marks

Gene Marks

Gene Marks CPA  runs The Marks Group PC, a financial and technology consulting firm near Philadelphia. Gene covers the economy, public policy, workplace and technology issues for a number of well-known outlets. He is also the host of the popular Thrive and Small Biz Ahead podcasts and appears regularly on Fox News, The Wharton Business Daily Show on Sirius/XM and The John Batchelor Radio Show. He can be reached at

Columns by Gene Marks

What really happens If the U.S. can't pay its bills? illustration by Alexander Hunter/ The Washington Times

What really happens If the U.S. can’t pay its bills?

When you run a business, you're constantly trying to look ahead. You make decisions now on hiring, spending and investing that will position your company to either grow or just weather the storm. You know you can't control the future. But you can take some measures to protect your interests and lower your risks. Published June 27, 2024

Restaurant owners support Trump illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times

Restaurant owners indicate stronger support for Trump

A recent informal poll at a National Restaurant Association conference revealed this bit of non-news: By a 2-to-1 margin, the 600 restaurant owners in attendance said they favored former President Donald Trump. Published May 13, 2024

Illustration on taxing business by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

American businesses face two huge tax increases this year

To pay for the trillions of dollars in spending the Biden administration has overseen over the past two years, President Biden has been advocating tax increases, particularly on the "wealthy" and corporations. Published May 29, 2023

Illustration on attacks on small business by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

Biden demonizes small-business owners

Over the past few years, President Biden has introduced tax proposals that he stresses to say are targeted at "the wealthy." Published April 26, 2023

Recession is on the Horizon for U.S. Illustration by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

Why U.S. is due for recession this year

Last week the Bureau of Labor Statistics published its consumer price index, which, at a 6.4% annual rate, was more than most economists expected. Published February 22, 2023

The Coming Regulatory Wave Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

The 2023 costly regulatory wave

The midterms are over, and the expected "red wave" of Republican victories never materialized. Published November 21, 2022