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Taiwan in the Crosshairs

Taiwan in the Crosshairs

Long a source of contention between China and the U.S., the vibrant island democracy of Taiwan finds itself once more in the geopolitical crosshairs as Beijing has stepped up its diplomatic and military intimidation campaign in recent months.

In a three-part series, Washington Times National Security Team Leader Guy Taylor traveled to Taiwan to examine how the island and its nearly 24 million people are holding up under the pressure.

The series of exclusive articles will look at how Taiwanese, especially the young, are reacting to China's intimidation campaign, how Taiwan's world-class semiconductor chip industry plays into the crisis, and how the diplomatic understandings of the 'one-China policy' are facing unprecedented strains on both sides of the Pacific.

History As It Happens Podcast: America’s Taiwan conundrum

Hear Guy Taylor with Martin Di Caro on what is behind rising tensions between China, Taiwan and the United States in this episode of History As It Happens.

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- The Washington Times

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