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March for Marriage

March for Marriage

Read the latest news and opinion on traditional marriage and the 2014 March for Marriage.

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Biblical marriage is beautiful

Current society finds many citizens deciding critical issues based on polls or humanistic thinking- which views humans as the decision makers or as "gods" of their own lives. I, in turn, take a biblical view of allowing my belief system to be shaped by biblical foundation principles.

The Supreme Court's other shoe

So why has there been a steady stream of lower court decisions in the year since Windsor was decided that have rejected that reasoning and the Court's explicit statement that the holding in Windsor was confined to same-sex marriages made lawful in a particular State?

The family is the school of love, and parents are the teachers

Throughout the ages, the world's great religions - Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, indigenous traditions, and many others - have affirmed the family, and its basis in marriage between a man and a woman.