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Election Outlook: GOP's Quest for the Senate

Election Outlook: GOP's Quest for the Senate

Find the latest news and debate on the Republicans taking back control of the Senate in 2014.

Bills in the Senate is still as a statue in the Capitol Rotunda, but Republicans hope to get things moving if they win control of the chamber in the midterm elections. Polls suggest they have a solid chance. (Associated Press)

GOP: GOP homing in on Senate, ready to push policies

By Seth McLaughlin - The Washington Times

Having beaten back all of the tea party challengers so far this year, Senate Republicans have assembled a field of candidates well-poised to hold their own seats and make a run at the at least six Democrat-held seats needed to flip control of the chamber and start calling the shots in the upper chamber. Published June 29, 2014

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GOP: Hatch's healthier health care option

- The Washington Times

There is no Obamacare retreat in Sen. Orrin G. Hatch's office. The Utah Republican promises that President Obama's signature health care law will cease to exist in its current form if Republicans win control of the Senate this fall.

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- The Washington Times

Sen. Lisa Murkowski is looking to help drive the natural gas export rush and maybe even turn some heads into considering shipping oil, despite pricing and environmental concerns.

GOP: Cost of 'green' initiatives is U.S. security

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President Obama has spent about $120 billion on climate change initiatives since taking office. That is the equivalent of 1,400 F-35s — the Pentagon’s most expensive fighter jets, according to estimates by Sen. James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee.
