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2016 Democratic National Convention

The latest news, photos, video and opinion coverage of the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, P.A.


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Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, center, greets a supporter on stage with AFT President Randi Weingarten, right, after speaking at the American Federation of Teachers convention at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, Monday, July 18, 2016. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

What Hillary Clinton didn't tell you in her speech

Hillary Rodham Clinton said a lot about a lot of things in her Thursday night acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, and throughout the week her supporters, including hubby Bill and daughter Chelsea, spent considerable time discussing her fight on behalf of women and children.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton reaches for a falling balloon at the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia , Thursday, July 28, 2016. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

AP FACT CHECK: Misfires in Hillary Clinton's speech

- Associated Press

In her speech accepting the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton wrongly implied Donald Trump has proposed banning Islam in America and sketched out a plan for defeating Islamic State militants that merely mirrors what the U.S. is already trying to do.

Hillary Clinton takes the stage during the final day of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday in Philadelphia. (Associated Press)

Hillary Clinton: 2016 election a 'moment of reckoning'

- The Washington Times

Hillary Clinton grasped the reins of the Democratic Party as its presidential nominee Thursday night, putting the finishing touches on decade-long quest that's brought her one election away from becoming the first woman to win the Oval Office.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton gets full support from President Obama. When she started laying the groundwork for her campaign just after Mr. Obama’s re-election four years ago, the party she envisioned isn’t the one that gathered this week. (Associated Press)

Hillary Clinton's liberal shift puts her at progressives' mercy

- The Washington Times

Long considered a moderate Democrat more in the mold of her husband than her socialist primary opponent, Hillary Clinton suddenly finds herself at the helm of a party that is moving left at a rapid pace -- and some progressives question whether she is willing or able to steer the ship along its current path.

Democratic vice presidential candidate, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., waves after speaking to delegates during the third day session of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Wednesday, July 27, 2016. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Tim Kaine: 'I'm a progressive in the South'

- The Washington Times

Sen. Tim Kaine on Thursday described himself as a "progressive in the South" after being played a clip from a 2005 campaign ad in which he says he's against same-sex marriage and is "conservative" on issues like "the sanctity of life."

President Obama and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton wave to the crowd during the third day of the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday in Philadelphia. (Associated Press)

Obama passes baton to Hillary Clinton in speech to DNC

- The Washington Times

President Obama bequeathed his hope-and-change coalition to Hillary Clinton on Wednesday, saying the woman who was once his opponent, then his top diplomat, and now his best hope for a lasting legacy is better qualified than any other candidate in history to occupy the White House.

"I'm a New Yorker, and I know a con when I see one," Michael Bloomberg, an independent, said at the Democratic National Convention. "Trump is a risky, reckless, and radical choice and we can't afford to make that choice." (Associated Press)

Michael Bloomberg: Donald Trump a 'con man'

- The Washington Times

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Wednesday night that Donald Trump is a "con man," telling Democrats "God help us" if the Republican nominee runs the U.S. government like he runs his business empire.

Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the third day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia , Wednesday, July 27, 2016. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Joe Biden: No candidate 'has ever known less' than Trump

- The Washington Times

Saying the Republicans have nominated the most clueless, unprepared presidential candidate in history, Vice President Joseph R. Biden on Wednesday night eviscerated Donald Trump, telling fellow Democrats the billionaire is a literal danger to the future of the country.

The release came just days after Wikileaks’ release of internal Democratic National Committee emails forced the resignation of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and cast a pall over the whole convention. (Associated Press)

WikiLeaks releases hacked DNC voicemails

- The Washington Times

On the night President Obama and Vice Presidential nominee Tim Kaine were scheduled to speak to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, the anti-secrecy whistle-blower group released hacked voicemails of top Democratic officials.

Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party presidential nominee, speaks in Philadelphia to angry and disaffected supporters of Bernard Sanders. A new rallying cry is “Jill not Hill.” (Associated Press)

Bernie Sanders' supporters sense Hillary Clinton snub

- The Washington Times

Rather than extend olive branches to Sen. Bernard Sanders' supporters, Hillary Clinton keeps ignoring them. At the Democratic National Convention, Sanders supporters say it's getting increasingly harder, not easier, to put aside a contentious party primary and line up behind the former first lady.

Democratic Vice Presidential candidate, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., looks over the podium as he checks out the stage before the start of the third day session of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Wednesday, July 27, 2016. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Tim Kaine officially nominated as Democrats' VP

- The Washington Times

Democrats officially nominated Sen. Tim Kaine to be their vice presidential candidate Wednesday, overcoming bitter opposition from the party's left wing, who views him as too moderate on trade and other parts of the liberal agenda.

The gifts Sen. Tim Kaine took as governor and lieutenant governor of Virginia are getting scrutiny after his selection as Hillary Clinton's running mate. (Associated Press)

Tim Kaine gifts received called out by Trump as corrupt

- The Washington Times

The approximately $160,000 in gifts Sen. Tim Kaine accepted as governor and lieutenant governor of Virginia is getting renewed scrutiny with Mr. Kaine in line to potentially become the next vice president, with critics quick to draw comparisons to the federal corruption case of former Gov. Bob McDonnell.

"Hell no, DNC/We won't vote for Hillary," demonstrators chanted during a Black Lives Matter protest during the second day of the Democratic National Convention. (Associated Press)

Hillary Clinton loses Black Lives Matter supporters

- The Washington Times

Hillary Clinton is using the Democratic National Convention to aggressively woo minority voters, whom she is relying on to put her over the top in November, and she enlisted President Obama to spearhead the effort with a keynote speech Wednesday.

From The Vault

Obama appeals to voters for more time

- The Washington Times

Accepting his party's nomination for re-election, President Obama on Thursday said voters face the most momentous election of a generation and told them they must choose between locking in his vision of a government that works to boost the most vulnerable, or side with Republicans in rolling back his agenda.

After more than three years as president, Barack Obama's tone has taken a sharp turn from when he was a candidate. “We’re not going to go backwards and re-fight the same fights we had over the last three years” he said at a campaign rally this year. (Associated Press)

A changed Obama reins in the rhetoric

- The Washington Times

President Obama's partisan tone on the campaign trail these days is a far cry from his idealism of 2004, when the fresh-faced Illinois state senator introduced himself to the nation with his keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Pelosi says Dems' takeover of House is within reach

- The Washington Times

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi isn't a mathematician, but on Wednesday she shared with reporters an intricate arithmetical formula that shows a "very doable" path for Democrats to win back the House in the November elections.

First lady Michelle Obama hails husband at DNC

- The Washington Times

First lady Michelle Obama pleaded with voters Tuesday to reward her husband with re-election, telling delegates at the Democrats' convention that President Obama comes from humble beginnings and was able to reach the White House by taking advantage of the same kind of government assistance he is defending on the campaign trail.

Kennedy political torch passes to a new generation of Democrats

- The Washington Times

For three days in Charlotte, a parade of prominent Democrats — including former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter and President Obama himself — will try to rev up the base with live speeches. But one voice that dominated party politics for decades will be notably absent: the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.

Democrats travel tricky electoral path with gay marriage

- The Washington Times

President Obama's conversion on gay marriage back in May was a bold, public celebration of gay community pride, punctuated with a flurry of lavish Hollywood fundraisers. It played extremely well in Los Angeles, New York and blue regions across the country.