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This frame grab from video released Wednesday June 28, 2017, by ANHA news agency for the semi-autonomous Kurdish areas in Syria, that is consistent with independent AP reporting, shows Brett McGurk, left, the top U.S. envoy for the international coalition combatting the Islamic State group, leaving after a visit to  Ayn Issa, Syria. McGurk met with members of a local council expected to administer the city of Raqqa in Syria following its capture from the militants. (ANHA News Agency, via AP)

This frame grab from video released Wednesday June 28, 2017, by ANHA news agency for the semi-autonomous Kurdish areas in Syria, that is consistent with independent AP reporting, shows Brett McGurk, left, the top U.S. envoy for the international coalition combatting the Islamic State group, leaving after a visit to Ayn Issa, Syria. McGurk met with members of a local council expected to administer the city of Raqqa in Syria following its capture from the militants. (ANHA News Agency, via AP)

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