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In a Jan. 21, 2018 photo, the students in Francinelee Hand's 1961-62 third-grade class at Sabal Palm Elementary gather for a reunion at La Gorce Country Club  The students never forgot their incredible teacher. Fifty-five years later, after years of reminiscing about Miss Hand on social media, they finally tracked her down. Left to right in back row are Nancy Lieban-Wiggins, Evan Taylor, Bobby Leipzig, Ellen Bressler Levine, Alan Eichenbaum. Front row is Susan Miller Schwartz, Francinelee Hand, Cheryl Cooper, Karen Stern Powers and Steven Goldman.   (Al Diaz/Miami Herald via AP)

In a Jan. 21, 2018 photo, the students in Francinelee Hand's 1961-62 third-grade class at Sabal Palm Elementary gather for a reunion at La Gorce Country Club The students never forgot their incredible teacher. Fifty-five years later, after years of reminiscing about Miss Hand on social media, they finally tracked her down. Left to right in back row are Nancy Lieban-Wiggins, Evan Taylor, Bobby Leipzig, Ellen Bressler Levine, Alan Eichenbaum. Front row is Susan Miller Schwartz, Francinelee Hand, Cheryl Cooper, Karen Stern Powers and Steven Goldman. (Al Diaz/Miami Herald via AP)

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